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Heads up. Not everything will follow the plot line of the kdrama.

Min Seol Ah stared at the large building in front of her. It seemed very luxurious and expensive. "Is this where you - we live?"

Suryeon smiled at her , "yes we do my sweet daughter."

Min Seol Ah had awoken with  no memories of her life. Suryeon had taken it as an opportunity to reconcile for the years she had lost with her. So she only told her what was necessary; that they had been separated from each other for sixteen years but didn't diverge into the struggles her daughter had faced alone as an ' orphan ' and much less when she had been adopted under Anna Lee. Those were details she wanted Min Seol Ah to never recall.

The brown haired chest nut  girl looked at the building in awe. It was probably the most expensive place in the country.  Sure her mother looked

"Are you ready?"

Seol Ah nodded in confirmation.

The mother and daughter emerged out of the car . Suryeon extended her hand to the girl ready to venture into Hera Palace . She was going to make sure her daughter got the respect she deserved .

Min Seol Ah was not oblivious to the curious eyes that were focused on her and her mother

"She really is Suryeon's daughter?" Kang Ma Ri and Ms  Go  looked at one another still bombarded by the news that the orphan tutor was moving into Hera Palace.

"So it's true." Ha Eun Byeol bit her nails nervously when Seol Ah passed

"So she really is going to live here?" Jenny scoffed folding her arms. Min Seol Ah was nothing but a poor orphan two months ago and now she was the Biological daughter of the twins' stepmother.

Minhyuk smiled mischievously ,"Seokyung must be fuming."


The three knew if they didn't tolerate the idea of Min Seol Ah moving into their Penthouse actually happening ,  it was a million times worse for Joo Seokyung . Minhyuk knew the female Joo was definitely going to be in a foul mood more than usual now that she and Min Seol Ah were now stepsisters apparently.

Seol was surprised when her mother filled her in that Hera Palace was built by her husband and they lived on the 100th.

"Min Seol Ah. Welcome."

The chest nut haired girl turned to her mother at this point the only person she trusted was her given her mother was the first person she had seen u.

Suryeon patted her shoulder , "This is my husband. Joo Dan Tae."

"Is...he father?" The girl  asked

The man with glasses chuckled , "I'm married to your mother. So stepdad "

Does this brat really not remember anything?  The chairman of JK Holding thought to himself. "But if you want you call me dad."

Seol Ah nodded not saying anything. She didn't know why she felt she had to be wary of him. Very vague flashbacks flooded her mind but she couldn't dwell on.

Suryeon saw the unease in Min Seol Ah's eyes upon her interaction with Dan Tae. It made her wonder if her daughter slightly remembered what he did to her.  

Her attention then drifted to her other children . She smiled , "Seol Ah. These are the twins. Your siblings." Suryeon said pointing at them , "Seokhoon and Seokyung. Your brother and sister."


"Seokyung." Suryeon gave her a daughter a look ;  nonverbally asking her not to fight with Seol Ah.

Seol Ah looked at her siblings , "it's nice meeting you in person Seokhoon and Seokyung.  "

Seokhoon face was expressionless but he was curious did she really lose all her memories or was it a facade?

Seokyung on the other hand rolled her eyes glaring at the fake aka Anna Lee aka Min Seol Ah , "forget sisters you are not worthy to be even called my step sister." Her voice had a lot of disdain for this girl. How could their mother seriously  bring her here.


Seol Ah could tell this girl , her sister did not like her. The hatred and fury were very evident in  her eyes.

Seokhoon sighed and walked right out after his sister stormed out the room.  He didn't spare Min Seol Ah a glance as he was still processing the fact that the girl who was their tutor two months ago  was indeed their mother's biological daughter.

"Don't worry. They'll get used to you ," Joo Dan tae said hiding his amusement at his children's behavior towards the girl he was forcing to accommodate, "they are still

Suryeon wanted to roll her eyes boiling within knowing she most likely enjoyed seeing Seokyung humiliating Seol Ah. "Come on . Let's go to your room."

The room was beautiful and lovely . There was a painting hanging on the wall.

Seeing her attention on the painting , Suryeon spoke up , ",I painted it. I thought it was better in here."

The girl wasn't surprised,  from what she had understood her mother was a graceful and elegant woman of very high class.  "It's nice. You paint very beautifully."

Suryeon felt her heart about to combust upon hearing the compliment . The moment was broken by a bark.

"This is Sugar. He's yours."

A familiar sense of attachment was what Seol Ah felt when the puppy barked and a smile formed on her face as she petted the puppy's head.

It made Shim Suryeon happy to see her daughter happy. Since awaking she hadn't seen Min Seol Ah smile like this , maybe deep down she could still recognize the puppy  regardless of her amensia.

Seeing the joy on her face made her want to protect her girl all the more by punishing those who hurt her and caused her accident.

Min Seol Ah was outside Hera Palace taking a walk . Dinner with her ' family ' had been awkward to say the least.  her stepfather wasn't there , her step brother was silent throughout and she could feel her stepsister turning to burn holes

"I don't think the twins like me ."

Although Seol Ah had no recollection of what her life had been like , Sugar's company felt so familiar to her and she could feel the puppy's excitement being with her. Sugar was very good company.

She felt the fresh air and wondered what her life was like before , before meeting her mother. 

"You look so lost in your thoughts."A brown haired  boy dressed in casual clothes  approached her.

"I was just taking a walk. I felt like I ...couldnt breathe in there."

The boy nodded as if understanding , "what's this little ones  name." He played with the puppy's dog tag.


Seol Ah found him to be very handsome. When his eyes landed hers , she quickly snapped out of her daze,  "do you live here?"

"I'm Baek Rowoon. I live on the 99th floor."

She used the hand that was not  holding onto sugar to greet him , "Min Seol Ah."

Rowoon stared at her hand looking as if he was hesitating. Just as she was about to retract her hand he shook it.

"Did you also come out for a walk?" She asked

"In Hera Palace, we need to escape the demons once in a while."

Seol Ah had no clue what he meant . His face didn't give away any clue to his words.

"It was nice meeting you." She waved at him with a smile before running back into

She really doesn't remember me.

Rowoon thought to himself as he watched her head back in. 

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