~Chapter 30~

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~chapter 30~

SURPRISE! I got my old computer to work and decided to finish this update :). I hope you enjoy, it is a short one just for filler purposes.

 I hope you enjoy, it is a short one just for filler purposes

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Druitt POV

-Week before Summer Slam-

I walked up to the interview area as Cathy was waiting for me. I stood off to the side as Cathy introduce me, stepping into the camera.

"Rhyan with Summerslam just around the corner, what are you looking forward to?"

I smiled, but before I could answer her I felt a hit to the back of my head, causing me to fall. I felt punches rain down on me, along with multiple kicks. I grabbed the persons leg bringing them down, seeing it was Zelina.

As we traded blows, Zelina took me by the shoulders slinging me shoulder first into a production crate. I groaned out in pain as security separated us, taking me to medical.

After the segment was over, I sat in the medical room as they exam my shoulder when Josh walked in.

I smiled as he approached giving me a kiss "Hey main event"

"Hey beautiful, you good?"

I nodded as I looked at my shoulder "yeah I'm good, just a bump for storyline purposes"

The trainer came over to wrap my shoulder before Josh had to go. Soon Pearce came in for our segment. The cameras rolling just as the trainer was done wrapping my shoulder.

I quickly got back in character, scowling at Pearce "Pearce if you're not coming in here to tell me that our match isn't official I don't want to hear it"

"Rhyan you know I just can't do that, you're not even cleared"

I stood up in his face "Pearce I don't give a damn if my arm was pulled out of socket I'll fight Zelina either way" I turned grabbing my title "either make it official, or I will"

I gave him one last look before walking out the medical room. After we were done Adam walked up to me "great job Rhyan, you're still on for your final segment tonight. I nodded as I walked from him, deciding to go to my locker room. Once I got there I decided to call my mother.

After a few rings she finally answered "hey baby girl how are you? You doing ok I was just watching the show with your brother and his girlfriend"

"Girlfriend ?! Since when did Ken get a girlfriend"

She chuckled a little before replying "they've been dating a few weeks, she's a sweet girl, you should meet her soon"

"I'll be home tomorrow for a few days, I can meet her then. But to answer your question I'm ok my shoulder is bruised but I'll be fine"

We talked for a few moments before we hung up. I made sure to call and check in on Jeyce before heading out to do my final segment for the night.

I paced back and forth in Gorilla, waiting for my cue to go out interrupting Zelina's promo. I stopped as I watched the monitor when I got the cue. A stagehand guided me through the back of the crowd as I would make a sneak attack.

As soon as my music hit it I waited a bit behind the barricade.  Zelina and the rest of the LWO waiting for me to come out from the stage. I quickly jumped the barricade, sliding into the ring.

I clocked the back of Zelina with the title as she dropped. I started sending blows to her as she tried to fight back. Soon Joaquin grabbed a hold of me, pulling me off her. I sent an elbow to his face as he quickly let me go.

I turned towards Zelina who was being held back by Cruz. I jumped over Rey sending an elbow straight to Zelina's face. Her and Cruz quickly rolling out of the ring, along with Rey.

I grabbed the mic as the walked backwards up the ramp "You want your match at Summerslam? YOU GOT IT!"

The crowd erupted into cheers as I dropped the mic screaming towards Zelina holding up the title. Zelina held her jaw as she scowled at me.

I walked around the ring visibly fuming "but I don't want no regular match, it's me and you in a no DQ match" the crowd erupted with cheers as Zelina had a shocked look on hers. I dropped the mic as I kept eye contact with her as she and the rest of the LWO walked to the back.

I grabbed my title making my way up the ramp, slapping hands with a few fans. Once I made it back I saw Josh who was waiting for me.

"You just love having these dangerous matches don't you" he pulled me into a kiss as I smiled.

"They don't call me the dangerous one for no reason" I noticed Jackie eyeing us from across the hall. I decided to be a bit petty and lean up giving Josh a long kiss til I heard her walk away. Lowly laughing to myself.

"Now what was that for?" he quizzed, raising one of his eyebrows.

I smirked a little, wrapping my arm around his waist as I we walked back to the locker room "Oh nothing"

Once we made it back he gave me another kiss then headed back as his match was next. I quickly changed into a pair of leggings and a sweatshirt as there was a knock at the door. I opened it to see Jade and Bianca and let them in.

"How are my favorite tag team champions?"

"Whew child, tired, everybody wants to come after us"

I nodded in agreement "tell me about it, Zelina wants her shot and now she got it"

"Zoey and Shayna wants their shot but we will see about that"

We chilled in the room, watching the rest of the show as Josh's match was main eventing. Once it ended the girls said their goodbyes and Josh and I hit the road back home.


Liked by rhyansimonewrld, uceyjucey, and 95k others

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Liked by rhyansimonewrld, uceyjucey, and 95k others

rhyansimone I may be a little spoiled 🤭

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rhyansimonewrld QUEEN TREATMENT!
uceyjucey spoiled ass 🩵
     ↪️ rhyansimone but you love it though 😘
lashlegendwwe As he should sis!!

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