6: The Trials of Training

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"Ow!" Oliver shouted as he was pushed again, this time from the back. He crashed forward into someone in front of him, who grumbled sent him flying back. He then crashed again into the first person, who sent him reeling and stumbling forward again. He barely avoided crashing into the second guy again, and redoing the whole thing.

Derek, who was on his left, muttered, "Don't cause a disturbance. That means STOP IT," in a hushed whisper.

"Sorry," he muttered back, and fell into step behind Derek, trying not to run into anybody. A few minutes later, they arrived in the big arena again. Apparently they were going to find out today's challenge. They had been told last night that a lot of people would be Placed today, and be taken out of the competition. Oliver and his group quickly found a place to sit and waited there for what seemed like forever as the other groups settled. Then, quite suddenly, General Gawden's voice boomed out over the arena.

"Today, the challenge will be... Deathcarrier. If you don't know how to play, that's too bad." The General continued talking, but that was all he heard. Everything slowly disappeared and formed again, twisting and shifting like a writhing snake, and then he was somewhere else.

He was in a room, totally adorned in red. And, lying on the ground were six weapons. Farthest to the left, there was a big long-bow with a quiver of black-tipped arrows. Ebern, the tall one, grabbed it and slung it across his broad shoulders. Haven snatched a belt of throwing knives and tightened it across his waist, sliding one out of its pocket in anticipation. Derrek reached for a long broadsword, much bigger than the others, and pointed it straight up. Looking at it for a second, he nodded and slung its scabbard around his chest. There were two weapons left. The first was a sword, medium length. It had a dull luster but a very sharp-looking point. The second was a tiny dagger, bent and crooked.

"I'll take the dagger," Oliver said.


Oliver turned to look at Gempy.

"But... don't you want the sword?"

"Why would I?" he replied.

"Because... it's better?" Oliver said.

"Who says so, the one that's least experienced?" Gempy replied, crossing his arms.

"Oliver," he said, staring into him, "Take the sword. That's an order."

Right. He had to remember that Gempy was second in command. Sighing, Oliver reached for the sword. It felt awkward in his hand. The grip was thick, and it was heavier than he expected. It was awkward to move, and it just felt... wrong.

"So... how do we play this game, exactly?" Oliver asked. Derek sighed in anger and disbelief. Gempy began to explain the rules. "Well, teach team has a banner in their area... if you go into the other teams area they can attack you, but you are safe on your side. If you get their banner..."

"Wait, so its like Capture the Flag!" Oliver said.


"If I get their flag I win, I can attack them on my side, if you get attacked you go to.. wait, are we actually supposed to... kill the other men?" he asked. The word sent a chill through his blood.

"No," Derrek replied. A weight lifted off Oliver's shoulders, and some of the awkwardness left him.

"The weapons are modified; if you deliver a killing stroke, they'll be taken out of the game. If you chop off their leg, their leg will be restrained by their suit for the rest of the game. You won't actually hurt anyone. But it will feel just the same." Haven gave an almost disturbing laugh.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2015 ⏰

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