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She doesn't move from her position petting Kuroboshi, much too delirious to attempt moving. Nukumi had never expended that much cursed energy before. To her ten-year-old body, it was overwhelming. Not to mention the amount of movement she had to do. Internally, she noted down the apparent need to begin training her stamina. Due to her silent musings, and overall exhaustion, she misses the way the darkness of pseudo-night fades back into day. If she truly witnessed it, she would have marveled under the technique and wonder when she, herself, could do that one day.

There're footsteps coming toward her, she notes idly. A single pair. The energy and feeling that washes over her screams comfort, so she hardly reacts. Slowly, with half-lidded eyes, she turns in the direction of the noise. Blue eyes land on the calm and collected form of Geto. The teenager stares down at her with those soft purple eyes of his glittering with something she couldn't recognize. She would think it was bad, if it weren't for the smile on his face. Feeling satisfied with herself, she releases Kuroboshi, the panther-like Shikigami fading into a wisp before returning to her bloodstream.

"You've created a mess," He notes with an amused tone. Maybe it meant that the emotion was something coy? Was it teasing? Or maybe he was laughing through his eyes but didn't want to offend her. She didn't understand.

Blinking slowly, she hums. "I did."

He reaches her and, without prompting, picks her up from the green-engulfed ground. She's overcome with the desire to cry, then. This was too kind. Nukumi wasn't meant to have nice things, barring Yuuji. Instead of refusing and declaring she could walk by herself, she curls into the teen. Her head rests on his shoulder, fighting the urge to sleep then and there in the warmth of his arms.

When was the last time someone held me? That thought was enough to sour this moment. She knows, with clarity in spite of her tired demeanor, that Wasuke had held her last. A year prior when he was pulling her from Kaori's corpse. That was probably the only time he's done so.

They exit the Greenhouse in no time, Geto setting her down on her feet in front of the group of sorcerers. She continues to blink tiredly, seeing the way Iori glances between her and the black-haired teen with a teasing look. Nukumi knew poor Geto was in for a world of questions and prodding once this was over. Especially with the way he begins to gently wipe the excess blood off her skin. The silence between the group doesn't last, though.


Her half-lidded blue eyes turn to Yaga, the jujutsu teacher digging something from his pocket. He appears to grab something before crouching in front of her. There appears to be a satisfied glimmer in his eyes, much kinder than the look she rarely saw in her mother's gaze. It was softer, less menacing, and appeared as if it wasn't hostile. What surprises her, though, is the object being offered toward her.

Exhaustion momentarily clearing in her confusion and shock, she tries to conjure up a comprehensive sentence, only for the Yaga to speak before her. "For meeting my expectations, you earn this-" He states as if he isn't handing her a fucking phone . The simple action too much for her to properly comprehend. "-the contact information of a few members of jujutsu society is on there. One of us will be checking in on you often, although your main point of contact will be Geto-kun."

She finally catches the words she wanted to say, "But I can't take this!" She insists hurriedly. "It's too expensive and I don't wa-"

Yaga cuts her off by pushing the device into her waving, frantic hands. Scared to move wrong and toss it, she stops moving and talking all the same. "This is strictly a safety measure," He says sternly. Nukumi feels there must be more to it. It was obvious he wasn't telling her everything.

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