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Grateful for the chilly weather, Nukumi swiftly changes into a pair of comfortable baggy pants Yaga bought for her in preparation for the cooling weather. She compliments the dark gray with a thick, form-fitting turtleneck that has a knitted look to it. On top of that, a fern green hanten with embroidered leaves on the hem of each sleeve, a piece of clothing her mother rarely wore but held a special place in Nukumi's heart. Her shoes were also green, a pair of new sneakers with great traction.

Her long hair is pulled into a pair of loose pigtails after brushing, each tied off with a green ribbon that streamed down her chest. The strands were long enough to reach her bellybutton, annoying her greatly. But, she didn't have the energy in her to try and ask for a haircut. She feared they would deny her request and they've been nice enough so far so she'd rather avoid getting on their bad side due to her request. Even if she knew that was an illogical way of thinking, it didn't stop her from doing it.

Done getting ready, she exits her room. The walk down the long hallways of the dorms is a comforting one. It shocked her, really, that this place was becoming something more than an accidental prison. Well, it wasn't really her prison, it just felt like that for a while. She passes by the kitchen and common room, turning to the front door. Nukumi could only assume the first-years would wait for her there.

Exiting, she's proven correct by the quartet chatting with varying degrees of excitement. Ieiri carelessly smokes, not needing to worry about the effects due to her proficiency in the reverse cursed technique, leaning against a wooden post. Tenma, gesticulating in an animated manner, laughs loudly at something Gojo said, grinning devilishly. Gojo, himself, smirks playfully, the way he's conducting himself unlike anything she's seen before. It's obvious he's at ease around the other first-years. Suguru, on the other hand, seemed exasperated at the noisy disposition of the two teens. If he didn't want to deal with the retribution that would surely occur if he tried anything, it was clear he would have smacked either of them upside the head.

His gaze shifts to her as the noise of the old door closing behind her announces her presence. Suguru's brown eyes soften minutely from the gallons of annoyance filling them moments before. "Afternoon, Nukumi. Did you enjoy sleeping in?"

She narrows her eyes at the playful tone clinging to his voice, "No," She admits without hesitation, "I feel more tired than I usually do." Her grumbling convinces a laugh to push from Suguru's lips, echoed by the others in the group. Nukumi's unease about the change in schedule, thankfully, isn't noticed. She would hate to be pitied for it.

Unable to stop him, Gojo trots over with a pep in his step, swinging an arm over her shoulders before tucking her into his side. His free hand swipes in front of him dramatically. "We'll make sure this is the best day of your life!" He declares with a wide grin turning to look down at her, "Where do you want to go first?"

The girl hesitates, not knowing she would have to decide what they do. Don't blame her for her panic, but she's only ever lived in modern Japan once before this life. Her first life was lived as a poor girl begging for food in the Kamakura period. So, she was lost in what there was to do. Blinking, she fiddles with her fingers and averts her gaze. "Uh... I don't know," She answers instead of specifying.

When she glances back, she finds Tenma's dark grey eyes on her, unyielding. Then, he smiles. It was obvious an idea clocked in his head. "I know the perfect thing-" He declares as he hastily shoves Gojo from his attempt at suffocating her. When his hand grabs hers, she tries not to squirm under the unfamiliar grip. "-a shopping trip!"

"Shopping?" Ieiri asks incredulously, flicking the ashes from her cigarette onto the pavement. "What's fun about that?"

Everyone moves to follow her and Tenma as they walk down the path. Her shorter legs have trouble keeping up with the pace but she doesn't voice any complaints. "Now, that's the thing!" The teen turns to her and gives her a wink. "Getting little Onimaru things to occupy her on campus and getting to know her tastes will allow us to brainstorm for the next outing with her. Something might even catch her eye for next time!"

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