Chapter 1 - Anti Jesslec Alliance

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The shrill screech of the alarm clock is a cruel intrusion into my slumber. With a groan, I fumble for the snooze button, my fingers clumsy with sleep. The warmth of the covers is a comforting prison, but the knowledge of the day ahead pulls me inexorably towards consciousness

With a satisfying stretch I pull myself out of the bed, it is 7:30am and Alec is going to kill me, I was supposed to be ready before 7:00am and here I am still getting up from the bed and tired as hell
The routine was simple, his mother picks me up by 7:10am, we stop at the coffee shop before she drops the both of us at school

But today, our Junior year begins, we're practically going to be seniors soon, and that comes with new responsibilities and a car of course, but right now I don't have a car instead I have a private driver name Alec Valdez my best friend, we've been through thick and thin since our love for Lisa frank brought us together
And if possible I'll finally tell him how I feel about him, as much as how weird it sounds or comes off, yes I am in love with my private driver

I head to the bathroom, going past my elder brothers room, ah Markie Sharkie, my lovely elder brother whose somewhere in Europe with Father, I enter the bathroom and did the usual morning stuff, brushed my teeth, washed my face and went back to my room

I open my wardrobe and started going through all my clothes, I didn't plan ahead, I didn't know what to wear, I never plan for things like this, I only put trust in tomorrow because I had no fashion sense and it just tend to come back to me the next day
As usual, my brain went to work, I yank out some of my jeans, and some of my tops, debated on which one would suit me best and went for that one

In the end I ended up with a normal attire, a simple blue jean and a white top, I went back to the bathroom to have a bath, nothing like a nice warm bath now that summer break has ended, back to school work for everyone

I got out of the bath, with my towel tied around my body, despite the slightly warm temperature I'm feeling quite cold for some reason

I went back to my bedroom to get ready, mother will be calling me down for breakfast and I don't want her yelling for me to come downstairs quickly all in the name for breakfast
I quickly put on my clothes, sat on my bed and wore my sneakers, they weren't something too fancy just one of the sneakers I bought during summer break and now I can't wait for everyone to see me rock them at school
Not like they'll care but I will

I grabbed my backpack and left my room for breakfast, to my utmost surprise I met a note beside breakfast, it was from mother

-Emergency at the hospital won't be back for a few days stay safe, honey
Love, mom-

I put down the note and a smile forms on my face, I turn to the yummy looking breakfast right before me, I am so going to enjoy this

Instead of using a fork and knife, I take my breakfast with my hand, I need to eat fast now because Alec can bust in at anytime, I mean at anytime

"Annie!!" A familiar voice opens the front door

Speak of the devil

"My God!, I really have to take back the spair key my mother gave to you" I respond as I turn to the tall hottie that was standing right before me, Alec Valdez, my best friend and my first crush, we've been friends since middle school and here we are, starting our Junior year together

"Then I'll break the front door down and get them back" he responds as his eyes averted to the breakfast at the kitchen counter "That looks yummy, I'd eat it but I'm not hungry now, come on let's go" he says as he turns back to the front door and leaves

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