Could've Gone Worse

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8/12/09, 15 years ago

The halls of the highschool are loud and bustling, the sounds of footsteps overbearing for some. In these halls, a young girl rushes the opposite direction of the crowd. Her first day at this school and she's already messing things up, that being the flow of traffic as they all try to walk around her.  

"Oh god! Not like this please!" The girl gasps and pants as she runs through the halls. Why isn't anyone else running? They're going to be late! Cutting corners, she continues to run, the halls seeming endless like a labyrinth. They might as well be, she's always hated school. When she went to school back in Japan for a couple of years it ruined school altogether for her. They should probably fix their education system. "Where the heck Is this class!" She shouts as she continues to sprint. "This is- GAH!!" Yelping, she falls on her bottom, randoresu spilling all of its contents onto the floor.

"Oh no! Are you alright?" A stranger asks, specifically the one who bumped into her

"uugh...y-yeah I guess" She whimpers, her bottom stinging. The man holds a hand out, helping her up immediately. "Really sorry about bumping into you..." She sighs, crouching down to pack her backpack back up

"No, I should've looked where I was going, no need to apologize" He chuckles. He looks down at her, getting a good look at her. She's pretty short, but not short enough to be awkward. Her pigtails are charming, held with bows, and her outfit reminds him of  those Harajuku Japanese school uniforms. He looks further down at her legs, seeing...cuts? He doesn't think much of it, maybe she has a cat!

"Well, I should've just ran in the direction on the crowd" She pouts, looking ashamed. The man chuckles

"Well then let's agree to disagree!" Silence looms between the two before the girl speaks up again.

"I...I have a question" She asks, breaking him out of his trance

"What is it?" He blushes, realizing he's been spacing out

"I'm new here and I'm just wondering...why is no one else running? Class starts at 8:30!"

"Oh? But it's only 8:03"

"...ah" She covers her mouth with her pigtail, embarrassed. The stranger chuckles

"By the way, what's your name?"

"Ah, Diane. Diane Tran, and you?"

"I'm Harlequin King, but everyone calls me King"

"King! That's such a cute nickname!" She lets out a little giggle, making King blush again. "Do you happen to know where room eighty-three is? I'm a bit lost"

"Oh, you're gonna wanna go to the second floor for that" He points past her to a stairwell leading to the second floor and roof "What grade are you in?"

"Oh I'm a sophomore" King looks confused

"Odd, I've never seen you around last year?"

"I transferred here from Japan, but I was born here"

"Why were you at school in Japan when you were born here?" He looks at her, puzzled.

"My mom wanted me to know the language and get used to the lifestyle,  she's pretty conservative when it comes to her culture"

"Was it nice? I've heard Japan is beautiful!"

"If you go to the right places, any country is beautiful if you know where to go. I was lucky enough to go to a pretty nice school but other kids won't have that many opportunities. How about you? What grade are you in?" She tilts her head slightly

"Ah, I'm a junior! Though, unlike you, I've live and gone to school here my whole life" Diane looks up and smiles at him,  covering her mouth with one of her pigtails shyly

"C-Can I ask for a favor...?" She looks away, embarrassed 

"Hm? Of course!"

"Can you help me find my class...?" She looks back up at him with shy eyes. She doesn't wanna come off as desperate, but she really does need help to find her class. King blushes.

"O-Oh, of course! I'll walk you there!" He beams and points towards the stairwell again "Just follow me"

"Alright." Nodding, she follows close behind him, occasionally grabbing onto his bag as to not get lost. They walk up the stairs and make it to the second floor.

"While you're at it, you should get a good look around up here, most of the underclassmen's classes are up here for some reason. You'd think it'd be the other way around, but nope." He looks down at her as she clings to his backpack, trying not to get lost in the crowd. A light blush appears over his face. 

"Are we almost there? I-It's too crowded..." She whimpers.


"No...not quite. Maybe I'm just anxious"

"Yeah, I get that, I'm actually quite overwhelmed by crowds myself"

"I'm only really afraid of bugs...and...other things I guess. Tight spaces actually usually eased me down growing up, as well as constant movement"

"Huh. Are you neurodivergent by any chance?" She shakes her head, her pigtails swaying lightly 

"My mom doesn't believe in that kind of stuff, she always says I'm not." Looking down, she sighs "Back in Asia, stuff like that was always ignored, so I can't really get mad at her"

"That's upsetting" He also sighs. A long, drawn-out, awkward silence plays out as the two walk together, taking a bit before Diane tries to break the silence.

"Um, is this it?" She points to a classroom door, a sign on the right saying 'rm. 83'

"Yup, that looks like it. Anything else before I head over to my class?"

Diane blushes. "One more's kinda silly"

"I'm sure it's not!" He smiles softly at her

"Can...can we be friends...? I'm always afriad I wouldn't meet new people and I think you're really nice!" She covers her mouth with her pigtails, making King blush

"Of course! I'll be your friend, I can even introduce you to mine!" Diane's eyes light up and she beams

"Really! That would be awesome!" She giggles "Thank you so much, King!" 

"Anytime, the last thing I'd want is for anyone to be lonely here, especially someone new"

"Well, I better go inside, I'll see you later King!" Waving, she giggles and opens the door to her classroom, looking back one last time to see King waving and smiling. What a good first day for her, she thought it'd be horrible, she already made a friend! Who would've guessed bumping into someone would have such a great outcome.


Ahhh second chapter!!

I tried my best to keep King and Diane as in character as possible 😭😭 but if you liked it let me know by ☆ing it and commenting!!

Also my writing style might've gotten worse lol

(Update was for some odd dialogue choices I made)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25 ⏰

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