cyrus's not so good day

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The first thing Cyrus registered was a familiar pounding headache he tended to get after travelling to a different Raelo. It was a lot worse, probably because he travelled to multiple Raelos in a short time frame.

He really wished that would stop happening, it was kind of annoying.

Blackness greeted him, but slowly it started to fade, and he registered something bright and blue staring down at him.

He blinked, and it turned out to be a ceiling he was looking up at. With a groan he tried to sit up, only to wince and hiss as it just made his headache worse.

"Careful, you have a pretty nasty headache going on, I gave you some meds to help but I don't know much it worked."

The unexpected female voice made Cyrus freeze, and he finally noticed he wasn't alone: a woman with long blonde hair and gray eyes wearing a white lab coat over white overalls smiled at him, which was a little offset by the two scowling guys next to her.

One had short blonde-brown hair and the same gray eyes as the woman, dressed in a white t-shirt with a tan short-sleeved cargo jacket over top while the other had short black hair and brown eyes, wearing a black long-sleeve henley with a matching bomber jacket over top.

"I'm going to go out on a limb here and say you aren't the welcoming committee."

Cyrus finally spoke, tired of the silence as the two guys glared at him. He grabbed his head and shut his eyes as the ringing noise in his ears, normally that stopped once he was settled but again, he probably overdid himself.

A gentle hand touched his shoulder and his gaze shot up with a jolt, finding himself face to face with the woman as the two guys behind her hissed at her, "Mary!"

So, her name is Mary...

"He's lying in med bay, and the only weapon he has is a spoon," A quick glance at the table by his bed confirmed he did, indeed, only have a spoon. "I think we're fine, please don't undo all of Bella's hard work, she'll be very cross if you do."

Cyrus couldn't help himself:

"How do you know I can't use a spoon as a weapon?"

That got another reaction out of Silent Dude 1 and 2, gazes darkening as they took a step forward only to be halted by her holding out a hand.

"For future reference, while you're injured, it's probably a good idea not to be so snarky," Mary offered with a twitch of her mouth. "My brothers can be a bit protective."

"Your brothers," Cyrus stated, glancing at them over her shoulder. "And you would be Mary."

"Yup!" Her smile was back, and he got the feeling it came a lot easier to her than it did her two brothers. "That one's Daniel and he's Josiah."

She pointed to the blonde first than the dark-haired one, who both sputtered in protest. "Mary! Why would you tell him that?!"

"Mom always tells us we need to be polite," She turned to face them, hands on her hips and arching an eyebrow. "Or were you two just going to stand there and brood in an attempt to be intimidating?"

"No, of course not," Daniel—it was nice to have names—began protesting as Josiah did the same, "We were—"

They stopped mid-sentence, slowly turning to face each other before their shoulders slumped and they looked back to their sister. "Okay maybe we were, but did you have to ruin our vibe?! It was working!"

"I've seen a lot of scary things, it wasn't working as well as you think."

Cyrus piped up, grinning slightly as they whirled around to glare at him. Josiah opened his mouth to speak, before being cut off by a swish.

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