Spotfur's Kitting

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Spotfur's so cute! ~

Bristlefrost stretched and padded outside after washing herself.  After going on a hunting patrol with Rootspring, Eaglewing and Shellfur, she noticed that cats were milling about the clearing, looking anxious. She dropped her prey, a squirrel and a vole, and went to see what was going on.

Padding towards Cinderheart, Bristlefrost questioned, " What's happening?" Looking at Bristlefrost with wide and anxious dark blue eyes, Cinderheart replied, " Spotfur's kits are coming!"


" Hey, Spotfur! How are the kits?" asked Bristlefrost as she pushed her way into the nursery. Spotfur had just finished kitting a while ago, and now the queen lay in her nest, looking exhausted. Daisy, who was crouching beside her, purred, " They're fine, Bristlefrost. And they're beautiful too!" There were 3 kits suckling at Spotfur's belly. One was an orange tabby tom, an orange-and-white tabby she-cat,  and a white tom with gray spots. Looking at them, Bristlefrost couldn't help but agree with Daisy. I wonder what it would be like to have kits one day... Bristlefrost thought as she padded out of the nursery.

" Hey, Bristlefrost! So how are the kits? " Rootspring bounded over. Her wistfulness forgotten, Bristlefrost purred, " They're beautiful! But why don't you go see them yourself? " " I think I should wait awhile, since I'm new to ThunderClan. Spotfur might also be reluctant to let me go near her newborn kits; mothers are quite protective." Bristlefrost was impressed by his sensitive thinking. She was lucky to have Rootspring as a mate!

When Bristlefrost and Rootspring went to the nursery at sunset , Daisy and Spotfur told them that they had named the kits. The orange tabby tom was Stemkit, after Stemleaf. The orange-and-white tabby she-kit was Rosekit, after Rosepetal. The last tom was named Graykit, after Graystripe. They were all great names!

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