ch. 14, Little Choice

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3rd POV: northern Atlantic

It was early evening in the Arctic ocean. After refueling in Quaqtaq base, they were now quickly speeding through the rough northern see at speeds unheard of by the union girls on board. as cane's ship made quick work of the borderline rouge waves in front of them, it crests over a 50ft wave, allowing them to see several ships in the distance illuminated by a lightning flash

Cleveland: "more sirens ahead!"

Enterprise: "hold on"

Enterprise then raised her hand and commanded her scout planes to look ahead at the nearly pitch black sea ahead of them, straining her face as the winds fought against her planes. She was silent until another flash of lightning lit the distance, allowing her to see clearer.

Enterprise: "it's them! several defeated sirens and a single destroyer"

Hammann: "have they been fighting the Sirens this whole time!?"

Cleveland: "we need to hurry before more sirens come!"

Belfast: "sir Hurricane, how close are we to the Iron blood base?"

Cane: "a little too close for comfort, otherwise fine. Now going, we're bringing those girls home"

With a nod from everyone, Enterprise then leaves the bridge and heads to the ice covered bow of the ship while Belfast followed closely behind with an umbrella, both trying not to slip as the waves moved the bow up and down. soon they spot a destroyer in the mits of the dead ships, rocking and rolling in the stormy sea. With cane shining his lights as he sailed beside the destroyer, the other girls jumped across the gap between the ships to tie them together. enterprise then jumps on the destroyer as it was being mored.

she looked around the deck for a moment before spotting 2 figures under a section of superstructure, undoubtedly trying to stay dry in this heavy storm. Enterprise and Belfast then ran to the girls, only for one of them to block them from the other. Stopping and turning on spotlights on their rigging, they saw a small injured girl wearing a soaked Chinese dress. She had cuts on her arms, bruises on her legs, and her rigging was nearly collapsed onto itself.

The girls behind her looked to be in an even worse state. She had cuts and bruises on the left side of her body while her left arm and left leg were visibly broken. her shivering body also had similar attire to her presumable sister, though chunks of ice also stuck to it, like the ship they all were standing on. As the destroyer looked at the Enterprise and Belfast with an expression of fear and determination, Enterprise spoke

Enterprise: "hey hey, we aren't here to hurt you. we came because of your SOS"

the 1st destroyer only stared in silence, not knowing what she should do. Unbeknownst to everyone, a siren ship began to softly hum as it's engines began to restart, the noise of which getting blanketed by the loud storm in the area. Seeing the fear in the girl, she crouched down while Belfast did her best to cover both with her umbrella.

Enterprise: "can you speak English?"

???: *nods* "m-mhm"

Enterprise: "alright, you can tell us what happened once we're one Cane's-"

Suddenly, cane's speakers sounded with his voice.

Cane: "guys! Siren reac#ivating on my port!"

Looking around, she then saw the red lights of a Siren ship slowly come back to life through the rain. Before she could tell the others, the familiar sound of hydraulic motors catches her attention. The siren ship was taking aim. Thinking fast, she jumped off and shot a chunk of it's superstructure off using her bow, bringing it's attention away from the rest.

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