Chapter 6

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I woke up from to some sleepy muttering from behind me and I cold patch in my chest. I was waking up but I was still slightly slurred from the nap. I slowly opened my eyes.

Cora was no longer behind Isaac but at the end of the bed, feet dangling of the bed her head between my thighs. Isaac is no longer at my side but on top of me, head in my chest and a little pool of drool in my chest.

~Ha- so that's where the cold patch feel came from~

Derek seemed to be the only one who didn't move entirely from his sleep. He was still behind me but my head was on his chest where last night it was next to his head.

The muttering was from Derek but I couldn't quite get what he was saying until I heard my name. Then it came again but this time with more words.

"Stiles, where are you?" with this I felt him hug me harder- not like hulk hard but hard enough to compete with a bear hug, you know what I mean-

With that I tilted my head to see him with his eyebrows furred together making lines in his head and his own very drool staining the pillow.

~ Come on, do all of them drool~

I smoothed his forehead trying to put calm him down. I did that a couple of times till I felt Isaac stirring on top of me. I laid my hand on top of his head and started to caress his curls.

I stayed that way a couple of minutes. Looking at them, being cuddled by them, I felt warm all over by them being here it was strangely reassuring to me. More so the idea that I felt loved by them even in their sleep, I could feel them transmitting their emotions.

Isaac felt cared for and cherished, like he was finally in the right place even though I could feel shyness -that surprises me even in his sleep he can feel insecure- .That just made me put my other hand on his back and start making circles and random shapes.

Cora was feeling secure; overall she seemed protective even in her sleep. With her hands clutching my pants, I couldn't differ from the idea that she needed the contact to reaffirm that she was there.

Derek well, that was a whole different story. He had a clash of emotions radiating from him; disappointment, anger, frustration, and complete; he felt whole.

I kept staring at Derek while caressing Isaac. Derek started to move, I tried to get out of the hug so he could be more comfortable but I forgot I have a very big puppy on top of me so there was no use in moving. Derek opened his eyes and I smiled back at him, and then the other two started to move.

Derek untangled himself from me and turns to the clock in my nightstand, it read 12:56. Isaac and Cora were awake but they weren't moving from the bed -which currently is me-.

Cora seemed to be uncomfortable because she started squirming until she finally stood up. She stretched and she tugged Isaacs' pants for him to move. After a while of tugging he got annoyed and just moved so she could stop. Derek then moved to the chair in my desk, Isaac was cross-legged in the bed while Cora was standing next to the wall.

"From here we're going to the loft and the meeting will start at two" Derek informed us once again. I hummed at him, started putting my shoes on and then we descended the stairs to the cars.


Isaac and Cora went with Derek and I got in my jeep. I used the ride towards the loft to calm myself because if not I was going to end up doing something I would regret. So instead of going the straight route towards Derek's loft I took a couple of detours.

I can't understand what was going on. The more I thought about it the more frustrated I got, to the point that I just shut the car off. I closed my eyes and listened to my surroundings. I was so mad and fed up that I didn't notice where I ended up.

I was in the preserve, I took the opportunity and got out of the car and started walking into the preserve. I walked till I saw a big rock between some trees; I sat down and looked around. By my left side I could see a small river, to my right side was a trail leading to the Jeep, to the front and back were covered with big oak trees scattered all over the forest floor.

I picked up some pebbles near my feet and started levitating them using them to the weird patterns. I kept levitating till I was bored –which was pretty fast-, and then I went to the river to try to skip them with no success. I sat near the water hearing the birds chirp and the water moving from the rocks in the river.

I felt better now, more relaxed centered even. The forest always calmed me and my magic.

Since I was a toddler I could wield magic. Mom would take me to the forest everyday when I was a kid that's why I feel so relaxed here. The forest was like a second home to me. My first lessons were in the forest, the first time I shifted was in the forest.

The first time I shifted was dreadful, it hurt so much I could feel every bone in my body shift and twist inside trying to rearrange itself. It took 5 minutes for me to fully shift in my true form. Everybody in my mother's pack had a different form, my mother was a white rabbit, Aunt Rose was a deer and Aunt Gwen was dove. I had shifted into a silver wolf, my mother was delighted she had shifted in her form and we ran all day till dad came to find us passed out near the river bend behind our house.

I took my phone out; it was a quarter till 2. I moved towards the river to wash my face. I got up and towards the car, pushing some branches out of my way when I heard a rustle of my left side. I stepped back thinking that someone was going to approach me guns blazing but no, that did not happen.

~ Me and my wild imagination~

I talked forwards the rustling and what I found was not what I expected.

There right in front of me was a small cub with an all black coat with white paws and on the tip of his hears. The white was splattered with red; I looked around to see if his mother was around but with no avail. I went towards the cub his eyes looking straight at me; I put my hands in front of me and he finished his way towards me limping. I grabbed him, lifted to see his injuries and I centered him my chest he cuddled into the embrace.

I used my healing factor to cure him, he had a broken leg. When I bended down for him to leave he just cuddled more into me, I left him be and went towards the car. As much as I didn't want to go, I wasn't going to leave Derek alone.

~Oh God, what is Derek going to say when he sees the cub~ Stiles stares at the cub with panicked eyes the cub turns his eyes toward Stiles with much adoration.

"Well, aren't you the prettiest cub I've ever seen" I coo at him and the fox hides his face under his paws. "Aw, he can go screw himself if he doesn't like you. You are mine now." I started stroking his back while gently putting him on the ground.

I took of my jacket and wrapped it around him; I took him once again in my arms. I started walking towards the car pocketing my jeans for the keys and opened the car putting the cub in the passenger seat.

~ I have to think of a name soon, I'm not going to call him it much less cub all the time~ I'll just call him Gus for the mean time. Gus was using this time for to sleep much likely from the injury he had some time ago.

I backed out of the preserve in no time to be a little less tardy then I already was. I hope Isaac likes Gus, I hope Derek can save the eyebrow language for later and Cora to show a little more of her smile. Let's just see what I encounter on the way there.

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