☆About tay☆

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My name is Tay I'm 19 in high school i have a job at a night club as a bartender making minimum wages i live with my crackhead mother and grandma in South Carolina but life's not to good my grandma is sick and.

Mother out here being a 304 high up on powder while her mother get sicker but it was not all way like this started when my dead beat farther up and left Leving me here to deal with my mother on my own at a young age she went into drinking and doing Crack she lost her job without a job we lost the houes
causing us having to move with my grandma when i came upon age I got a job to help my grandma with medical bills but hey maybe my life get better
If i open to somebody naw I'm just saying shit that's not gone hapen that's the run down on my life.☆

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