If an element is disproportionately represented in Chaosborn affinities, it will have an impact on the planet at large.
Aether- the sun and stars get brighter, causing discomfort for creatures in the daylight and disruption of expected sleep cycles.Air- average wind speed increases drastically, disrupting plant growth and infrastructure.
Water- water levels rise, potentially flooding settlements.
Earth- earthquakes become more frequent.
Fire- wildfires become more common as they spontaneously begin.
Aether-Air- the sun appears to be perpetually enshrouded by a dusky fog that inhibits plant growth.Air-Water- hurricane-like storms become frequent.
Water-Earth- relatively gentle, but extremely constant rain causes severe disruption to life and drastic increased in mud slides.
Earth-Fire- the land becomes parched. Equatorial and tropical regions become desert, and usually, cooler regions become scrublands.
Fire-Aether- the temperature of the sun's rays becomes significantly hotter. Solar radiation increases.
Aether-Water- The waters become more clear, causing sea monsters to come closer to the surface.Water-Fire- the seas become hotter, severely disrupting sea life.
Fire-Air- dry storms with firey tornadoes begin to happen.
Air-Earth- magically fueled dust storms sweep the entire planet.
Earth-Aether- certain species of plants become carnivorous, some of them develop animalistic intelligence and the ability to rapidly grow their roots. Quickly enough to ensnare prey.