uhhhh errmmmm

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"Jesus Christ stan!! Your so fucking heavy!" I say, wrapping my arms around his waist to better hold him up.
I feel him tense up under my touch, and then relax after a few seconds.

"Haha- Kylee??" He says as he leans even further into me, causing me to tremble, I can't hold him up for much longer.
"Yes, stan??" I mumble, focusing on not dropping him.
"Do you- hic- do you love me...?"

I pause, shocked by the question.
He turns his head to me, and I look down at him.
"Yes?" I answer, I mean I love him as a friend, right?
"Yaay!!!" He yells, throwing his arms out, making me loose balance and send both of us tumbling.
"Agh! Fuck, stan!!" I yell, closing my eyes and hugging onto him.

We crash into the ground, my back hitting it.
"Thanks for being my pillowww"
I open them, and stan is on top of me.
I feel my cheeks burn,
"Stan! Get off me!!"

"Nnnnnnnnnnoooo" he then lays his head on my chest.
"Stan! We need to get you home!!"
"Your comfortable... And soft.." He mumbles into my jacket, pushing his face even deeper into me.
"Jesus stan, get up!!"
"Then give me a kiss."

A-... What?? I feel my face burn even more, what?? Why does he want a kiss?
"What- why??"
"You said you loved me? I want proof or I won't get up"
He lifts his head and frowns at me, and then puts it back down.
I sigh,
"Are you serious?? This is stupid."
I decide on that, maybe this'll snap him into reality.

"Noooooo you neeeeeeedd to do it or I won't get off of you.."
I sigh, again, a deep, long, sigh.
"Stan I'm not going to kiss you."
"What?? Why not?!?! You said you loved me!! Kiss meeeee"
I internally scream as he wraps his arms around my chest, snuggling them into my sides.
I let out a shakey breath, hes so stubborn.
Fine. Fuck it.

I gingerly press my lips on the top of his head,
"There, get up."

He lifts his head up at me and stares.
"Youuuu sssssstupidhead" he slurs out, putting his hands on my cheeks.
"Kiss kiss, like... French or i don't know.."

I blush, insanely,
Halfway from embarrassment, halfway flustered. Ive only kissed a few girls.
Like 3.
How do I manage this??
"Stan, please I did the one."
"Fine!! Buttt that means you have to sleep over at my house!! And you kiss me there. And cuddle. I wanna lay on you again. Your comfy."
I sigh,
"Fine. Whatever. As long as you get up."

He unwraps himself off of me, and I sit up along with him.
"Okay, Ill lift you up but you have to walk. Ill help you, but you have to do some of it." I say, standing up and offering a hand to him.
He takes it and very shakily stands up, but does end up fully standing on his own.
I walk along side of him, keeping my arm around his waist.


We arrive at his house, which was a few blocks away, but we made it.
I step in,
"Dude you really need to redecorate." I say, looking around the place.
"Shhhhh.." He puts a finger to my lips, and we look towards the stairs.
"Oh no. We are not going to make it up there."
I look over to the couch, I guess we sleep there. I sit him down and go to the kitchen to grab him water and Advil.

"Here, for sobering you up. Ill wait until at least an hour before we actually sleep."
He takes a sip with the pill, and continues chugging the water.
"Jesus you are thirsty."
I stare as he chugs the WHOLE thing, smiles at me, and then runs to the bathroom.
I laugh, and sit back down onto the couch.

"I think I just pissed out all the water in my body..."
I giggle,
"Feeling better?"
"Yeahhhh wayyy better"
"Alright, I think about 30 minutes and then well sleep, okay?"
He flops down onto the couch and leans against me.


"Can I- never mind."
"Hm? What?"
Were in stans bed instead of the couch, he got sober enough to walk on his own. I mean,he fell down the stairs at least 5 times before making it fully up, but hes gained as much consciousness as he can for the moment.

"What were you going to say?"
"Nothing.its stupid."
"No, say it. It's not stupid if it's from you."
I hear him sigh and his weight shifts, I assume he turned over.
"I won't push you to say it, but just know I won't judge you."

A few moments of silence, and then stan says,
"You sure? You won't judge me?"
I nod, and then realize he can't see me, and mentally kick myself.
"Yes, I'm sure, stan."
He sighs,
"Can i.. Possibly.. Maybe.. Like.. Uh.."
I feel his weight shift, and a hand on my waist.
"...Lay on you? I mean.. It was just really comfortable and you don't .. Like.. Have to!! It's okay if you dont want to, i just.. It's probably gonna help me sleep faster."

I breathlessly laugh, halfway because of the hand on my waist because hhhhhhhhhohmygod why does it make me so flustered.

"Stan, if it'll help you sleep then you can do it. of course." I say, rolling over to my back and turning my head to see him.
Hes staring at me, I can't quite see the expression on his face because its so dark, but I can see hes looking at me.

"Okay um.."
He struggles for a minute straddling me, but ends up on top of me like he was before.
He then lays his head down onto my chest, and I wrap my arms around him closing my eyes.

I instinctively give him a kiss on the top of his head, not realizing what I was doing.
But it's fine!! Hes probably.. Okay with it.
I bring one of my arms across him to his hair and I run my fingers through it.
It's greasy, but whatever. Ill deal with that in the morning.
I continue to pet his head, and after a few minutes his breathing pattern shifts and steadies. Hes asleep.

I take note, and try to copy it. And soon enough I'm out as well.

This started out as a oneshot idea....
But like... It might as well be a whole story...

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 18 ⏰

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