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*Revised version*

     I awoke in my bed, Mikasa, sat on an identical bed, slipped on her boots. "Going to the eating quarters, meet you there soon." She stated plainly before exiting the room. "Oh... Okay bye..." I said quietly, though she had already left. I sighed, 'Late on the first day. I must have really been exhausted,' I quickly got up and took a shower, dressed, and brushed my hair.
     Finally ready, I leave the room. Recalling the tour Mikasa had given the group yesterday, I tried to recall where the eating quarters was. Finding it and slipping in, I grabbed a tray off of the provided stack. The food that has been provided to the Scouts is marginally better than the cadets, no longer the usual slop. Since recovering wall Maria, fresh food has become more accessible, and for the first time in years, I'm excited to eat my meal.

     Sitting down next to Armin, just as I had the day before, I noticed a light pink dust his cheeks and Eren wink at him. Obviously it wasn't meant for me to see, but I couldn't help but smirk as a tint of red lit up my own features. We chatted over breakfast, I expressed my joy through mouthfuls of food, it tasted amazing! A breaded piece of meat smothered in brown gravy, peas and a freshly made roll resided shortly on my plate, and amusement came from Mikasa and Armin, Connie and Sasha also snickered from the end of the table. The group soon exited the dining area and slipped out into the fields for early practice. Only a few people dotted the area, either chatting or throwing a few hits at one another. "Levi hasn't stressed enough on how important it is to keep our skills up, so after breakfast we are required to run a set of drills. " Eren said, making me jump slightly. He has been much more quiet than I had remembered, so I didn't even notice he was still in the room.

     ' I haven't had nearly as much training as them, I'm gonna get squashed! ' I thought nervously as I followed Eren to the courtyard. Eren matched up with Mikasa, and Armin eyed me, eyes gleaming brightly. "Wanna partner up? I'll make your first match with the Scouts an easy one." Humor lit up his features.
     Slowly raising my hands in a fighting stance, I braced myself for an attack. I'm not sure how the weak and defenseless Armin that I had once known has improved, I'm not sure what kind of attack to prepare myself for. Holding his gaze for a moment, I couldn't help but notice the expression in his deep blue, ocean colored eyes. They seemed to say, 'Trust me, everything will be fine.' My nerves slightly calmed at this and I stood with a firmer stance. Swinging at him from the side, he dodged it, but only just. He stood slightly unbalanced for a moment, so I seized the opportunity. I slid my leg behind the crook of his knee and pressed my forearm into his chest, he fell to the ground. "See? I knew you could do it." He puffed as he stood back up. 'Does he really have to go this easy on me?'  He reached his hand outwards and I grabbed him, helping to pull him up. "C'mon, I can take more than that." I raised my hands again, prepared once again to take on whatever was thrown my way. Armin hesitated for a split second before a smirk ran across his lips, starting again confidently.

      We talked and trained for the next few hours, Armin and I had won almost equal amounts. Since we'd both equally exerted our strength, we were also equally exhausted. We sat down under the shade of the tree, deep in conversation. "(Y-y/n),... how did you get here? Why did you actually join the Scouting Regiment... if you don't mind me asking..." Armin looked up from the ground to ask with such curious blue eyes. "The last time we saw you was the day before the wall fell," Armin continued on, "a-and I wasn't- we weren't sure- if you..." He trailed off. Hesitating, I constructed my response. "I.. umm... have a debt I need to repay..." I started."A debt...?" he echoed my words and I continued, "You see... when Wall Maria fell, and everyone escaped on the boats, I'd... been left behind, along with the other hundreds of people. " Armin looked at you with distress in his eyes, but something else shown behind those blue orbs... was it... guilt? 

     "I'd managed to flee from the grasp of several titans, partially because the soldiers that had been left behind tried to save the civilians that were left. I ran and ran... trying to make it to Wall Rose. But once the wall was finally within sight, another titan rounded the corner, someone managed to grab me, just like the countless before them. " I looked up into Armin's eyes, my own (e/c) eyes were tearing up at the memory. "Y-your grandpa, he passed me by on a horse and saved me, Armin. A-And I need to repay the debt I owe both him and you. He gave up his life for me... so I s-swore I'd protect you both." I took a sharp breath in before feeling him wrap his arms around me in a gentle hug. I was surprised at first, but quickly melted into the embrace and wrapped my own arms around him. The trauma of the event was vivid in my mind, "Where is he? We got separated on the dock, and I haven't seen him since then." I asked quickly. Armin didn't pull away, he murmured into the crook of my neck "I'm s-sorry... " he choked out, "He's gone. He was sent back out to Wall Maria during the famine, for population control..." His grip tightened slightly, I could tell he was in pain. I rubbed his shoulder gently, we sat under the tree in silence from then on, resting in each other's comforting presence.

(A/N) - Well I hope you're liking it so far, this will only be my second completed fanfiction. Feedback would be appreciated!

Have a good day! :)

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