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Note : Chapter Five is available , thank you for everyone who still stay tune. Enjoy ! x

[P.S - You Belong With Me cover by Zayn Malik on Mulmed]


Can you see that I'm the one who understand you

Been here all along

So why can't you see?

That you belong with me

[Taylor Swift – You belong with Me ]


"Zayn, aku ingin mendengarmu bernyanyi" Celetuk Demi tiba – tiba

"Tidak" Zayn sontak menjawab

"ayolah Zayn, aku penasaran sekali" pinta Demi sambil memohon dengan wajah memelas

" tidak Dementria" balas Zayn.

"Ayolah... Please .. please .... Please" pinta Demi tetap merajuk pada Zayn tanpa merubah tampang memelasnya

"Baiklah Dem, tapi sedikit saja" kata Zayn akhirnya

"yeay, baiklah itu sudah lebih dari cukup Zayn" kata Demi dengan mata yang berbinar saking senangnya.

"ehem.. ehem" Zayn berdeham dengan maksud mengecek suaranya sambil sedikit bercanda, Demi tertawa singkat merespon candaan Zayn, kemudian serius kembali untuk mendengar Zayn menyanyi

Zayn pun membuka mulutnya dan mulai bernyanyi.

You're on the phone
With your boyfriend
He's upset
he's going off about
Something that you said
He doesn't get your humor
Like I do

I'm in my room
It's a typical tuesday night
I'm listening to the kind of music
He doesn't like
He'll never know your story
Like I do

But he wears Ray bend
I wear glasses

He's wear Sweater

And I wear jeans-o
Dreaming about the day
When you wake up and find
That what you're looking for
Has been here the whole time

If you could see
That i'm the one
Who understands you
Been here all along
So why can't you
See you belong with me
You belong with me.

Untuk reff kedua Demi ikut bernyanyi bersama Zayn , kemudian mereka mengakhiri dengan tawa.

"your voice sound cool buddy" puji Demi kepada Zayn

"not really, but thank you. Your voice is amazing too Dem" balas Zayn

"haha .. thank you , but seriously you must to join X – Factor" canda Demi

"haha , not of course not .i mean I'm still 11 years old Dem" balas Zayn , Demi pun hanya tertawa

"anyways ... this is the first time I sang with a girl . and yeah you are the first girl who knew I'm singing beside my mum and my little sister" aku Zayn malu – malu

"hahaha , yeah make a sense. But your voice was so great like seriously. And maybe we should do a cover song and record it" celetuk Demi

"yep , that would be great" kata Zayn sama bersemangatnya dengan Demi

"haha okay , Bradford boy. Let's continue practice for my task tomorrow" kata Demi kemudian Zayn mengangguk dan mereka berdua kembali focus pada tugas sekolah Demi

Flashlight. {DISCONTINUED}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang