𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙𝟘

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Numb. I feel numb now. Like always. But It's better than feeling anger and pain.

I do the usual after what I've done, Except I keep my disguise on as I walk through the alley ways back to my apartment. I figured I could just sneak up the stairs on the side of the Building up to my window. I've done it once or twice before. I've never been caught.

I make it to the apartment and I walk to the metal stairs when all of a sudden, my foot kicks a piece of trash across the ground.

"Fucking hell." I curse to myself quietly.


My whole body freezes. I know that voice. Verena.

What is she doing here? It's barely 6;30! I back away slightly as I hear her footsteps coming closer to the side of the building.

"Who's there?" She asks.

Before I can have a moment to hide she walks to the side of the building and I can see her face in the dim light of the street lights around us. She gasps when she sees me and I stand there unmoving. Her eyes widen in fear and she takes a hesitant step back. 

I take a step towards her and she suddenly darts away. My stomach twists in fear. Actual fear when she runs away from me. I rush towards her and grab her by the wrist trying my best to be as gentle as possible as I pull her back to me.

She lets out a yelp and my breath catches in my throat. I panic and cover her mouth with my hand shoving her against the building wall. I hear her muffled sound of fear and shock.

"Shh, shh, sweetheart it's okay." I try to calm her down. She squirms as I have her trapped between me and the wall, my stomach churns with guilt. I can feel her body trembling against mine and she breathes heavily staring at my face covered by my mask.

I keep my hand on her mouth and pull my mask off with the other so she knows it's me. Not like that would make anything better. Her eyes widen even more.

I drop my mask staring down at her. I decide to uncover her mouth but I keep my hand next to her head on the wall.

"M-Matt?" She asks fearfully.

I brush the hair from her face and nod. "Yes, it's me. It's okay." I whisper.

"You- but you're-" she starts. I press my finger to her lips stopping her.

"I know. I know." I stare into her eyes. Trying to read her emotions.

"Do you trust me?" I ask softly. My finger trails across her bottom lip.

She blinks a few times "I- I- yes."

Stupid girl. I shake my head in disappointment. "You shouldn't." I tell her.

I pull my knife out from behind me. I press her further against the wall, lifting the blade to her throat.

She gasps and bites back a whimper. Her body trembles even more and she swallows hard.

"You know I could easily slice this pretty little throat of yours if I wanted to right, sweetheart?" I tilt my head slightly. My heart pounds with excitement.

She nods hesitantly, Staring up at me with wide eyes.

"Are you scared?" I press the knife against her skin testing her.

"No." She says shakily. Her eyes squeeze shut.

Poor thing. I don't understand why she's lying. Maybe she thinks it'll save her life.

"Are you scared?" I ask again pressing the knife more firmly against her neck. My eyes burn into hers.

Her breath hitches and she nods. I see the single tear escape her eye  and roll down her cheek. I shake my head and reach up to swipe it away with my thumb. I lower the knife but still keep her pressed against the wall.

"Don't worry. I won't hurt you. I never will." I speak softly.

I see the relief in her eyes but I can tell she's still terrified. She doesn't move a single inch. Her eyes continue to stay locked on mine.

I lift her trembling hand to my mouth and press a soft kiss on her knuckles, not tearing my eyes away from her at all.

I drop her hand and place the blade of my knife under her chin. I tilt her head up with it.

I stare down at her parted lips. They quiver slightly. "Do you trust me?" I ask another time. I meet her eyes again.

All she does is nod. How? How can she trust me? I could easily take her life right here. Right now.

I shake my head. "Oh, you sweet, dumb thing." I laugh softly. My mouth twists into a smirk.

Without wasting anymore time I bring my face closer to hers. I capture her lips with mine in a soft passionate kiss.

She gasps softly against my lips and quickly kisses back. She moves her lips against mine, wrapping her arms around my neck.

I wrap my arms around her waist keeping her pressed against the wall as I kiss her. Her hands reach up to the back of my neck, caressing the skin there gently before she slides her hands into my hair pulling slightly. I let out a groan. My entire body heats up and my heart pounds in my chest.

I place my hand on her neck. the kiss becomes more intense and heated. I catch her bottom lip between my teeth nipping it gently and she lets out a shaky breath into my mouth.

I pull away. "God..." I stare down at her, my breathing heavy. The way her breathing matches my own makes me want her badly.

I caress her cheek with my fingers. She places her hands on my chest looking up at me.
I lean my forehead against hers. I feel the hotness of her breath on my face.

"Are you alright, sweetheart?" I ask her. I do not want her to be scared of me anymore.

I lift my head and stare into her eyes. "Yes." She whispers. I can see the honesty in her eyes and it makes me feel relieved.

"Good. I don't want you to be afraid of me." I take a step back unpinning her from the wall.

She fixes her hair and takes in a deep breath, clearing her throat. We stand there in silence for while before I take off my costume and stuff it into my bag. I know we still have a lot to discuss about this, but for now, all we do is walk into the apartment complex and to my apartment, pretending that nothing happened.


𝕄𝕚𝕟𝕕 𝔾𝕒𝕞𝕖𝕤 - Matt Sturniolo Where stories live. Discover now