𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙𝟠

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I had just finished telling Verena about the backstory behind my scar. She was quiet the whole time as she listened. Barely moved even.

I caress the skin on her arm where I can feel goosebumps forming. "No one ever asked about what happened to your face?" She asks quietly. She doesn't look up to meet my eyes.

I shrug slightly underneath her. "They did, but I managed to come up with a lame story of tripping and falling on my way home."

She gives a small hum in response. I stare up at the ceiling. A few minutes of silence pass, until finally, she asks another question. "do you remember...his name?"

Realization hits me then. I never mentioned who the guy was. How could I forget such crucial information. "Oh, uh, I think it was Vinny—Vincent. Everyone called him Vinny," I tell her. "I don't remember his last name, though."

"Oh...." Is the only thing that comes out of her mouth. I wonder what she's thinking. If she thinks I'm a complete monster. If she's changing her mind about being with me. God, I hope not.

She's gone so disturbingly still, that I'm not even sure she's breathing. I sit up and pull her up with me. She's not looking at me, She's staring down at the bedsheets. I lift her chin with my hand. "Sweetheart, hey, are you alright?" I ask, my voice full of worry.

It's almost like she snaps out of a trance. She blinks a few times as she stares at me. "Y-yeah I'm okay. Just, um.." she clears her throat "a little worn out." She smiles but it looks forced.

I can see in her eyes that something is wrong. something she doesn't want to tell me. I want to force it out of her, but I don't want to make her upset.

I'm starting to regret telling her about my past. What if she thinks differently of me now? I could have possibly ruined what we have.

But then again, why would this affect her so deeply? Maybe I'm just overthinking it. I always do. I'm sure she is okay, and just worn out like she said before. Hopefully....

It's been a week since that day....one week and Verena has been so distant with me. And to make things even worse, she just left to Boston for a few days to be with her family. Not that there's anything wrong with that but I've been losing my fucking mind trying to rack my brain around why she's been distant. I don't know what I did wrong.

It feels weird without her here. She's barely even texted me since she's been gone. I've been trying to focus on my classes and shit but it's been hard when all I can think about is what the fuck is up with Verena.

I've mostly been in my room, doing nothing. Maybe I should get up and do something. I guess I could go to the library. I haven't been there in a while.

I get up from my spot on my bed and throw on some shoes and a hoodie. I leave my room, shutting the door behind me before I walk out to the living room and leave the apartment.

I take my time walking to the library enjoying the cold breeze outside. It takes me a few minutes, but I finally get there. A sense of comfort washes over me when I step inside. There's a few more people than usual but I guess I'll manage.

Right away I start looking through the books, in hopes of finding one to read. I hear a book drop from the shelf behind me and turn in its direction quickly. I can't see who's on the other side since the shelf is blocking my view, but I can hear faint whispers.

I step closer, aiming my head towards the shelf to hear better. It sounds like a girl and a guy whispering. Wait....

My heart practically drops. I know those voices better than anyone's. Verena.....My brother, Chris....

I can't make out what they're saying. They're speaking too low. God dammit. I try to scoot one of the books over on the shelf so i can see through to the other side.

When I look, my stomach twists at the sight. Verena and Chris, way too fucking close for my liking. Verena's hand is on Chris's cheek. I can see the movement of her thumb as she slides it across his skin. They don't say a word, just stare into each others eyes.

My hands ball into tight fists at my sides. I want nothing more than to knock down this fucking book shelf and strangle my brother.

Why the fuck is my girlfriend here, At this library, when she was supposedly in boston with her family. Did she make up that lie as an excuse to stay away from me? Is she secretly getting with my brother? What the hell is going on right now?!

I back away quickly from the shelf and bolt out of the library. I see nothing but red right now. Absolute fucking red.

They're going to regret this.
I'll make sure they do.

authors note



Also, almost shit myself writing the last part of this chapter. Matt is scary😖


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11 ⏰

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