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New York, 2017

Steve had been nagging at Bucky ever since he'd joined the Avengers to start 'catching up' with what they'd missed. He'd been telling him that they needed to go on a shopping trip and get some clothes, room decor and 40s vinyls to make his apartment in the tower feel a bit more homey.
Today was no different, he'd woken up to Steve banging his door down.
"Buck, I know you're awake. Today's the day boy, we're going on that shopping trip. Get up and get ready we're leaving in 15 minutes i don't care what you say".
"Ughhh, fine. But don't expect me to be in a good mood" he replied.
As much as he loved Steve, he couldn't be bothered with his shopping trip. He was perfectly happy with barely anything in his apartment, he slept on the floor half the time anyways so he needed the floor to be clear. Plus he couldn't be bothered with decorating, he didn't really have any interests anymore. Since majority of the trends from his time were dead.
But he knew the only way he'd get Steve to shut up was to go, he meant what he said about being in a bad mood. This was his worst nightmare.
Well actually no, that would be the reoccurring one he kept having where he killed everyone he'd ever loved, including Jenna. He'd been having the same problem she had with nightmares, although his solution was a lot healthier, he'd been given a court ordered therapist when he was pardoned. Who kept telling him to make amends and find peace and all that crap.
He found it useless, he didn't like talking about his feelings with someone he didn't trust. He'd only ever trusted two people that much, Steve and Jenna. They were his bestfriends, or atleast she was.
His therapist kept telling him to reach out, but how could he. He had no way of contacting her, and he knew Stark wouldn't just tell him her phone number. That was probably the most shocking part of this whole situation, how much Stark actually cared for her. Bucky hadn't known him long but from what he could tell, Stark was a self-absorbed billionaire genius. Not exactly someone who would look after a 20 something year old recovering child assassin, but Bucky was atleast happy she was letting someone in.

He'd just finished getting ready when Steve barged in.
"You know, with how long you take to get ready you'd think your were styling your hair. Which by the way you should get cut, you look like an emo jesus"
"What's an emo?" Bucky questioned.
Although he'd been free for three years, he still hadn't quite caught up on modern lingo.
"Like gothic stuff, like black everything and chains and all that"
"Ah i see, anyways it doesn't take me that long you're just really impatient"
"Either way can we go now i've been waiting for ages".

He'd been waiting five minutes.

"Yup I'm all done, where are we off to first"
"I'm thinking clothes, your wardrobe could use some sprucing up"
And so they left, for what Bucky expected to be the most painful day of his life. Which was really saying something about his character given all he'd been through.

It was times like these Bucky was really thankful for his metal arm, he'd been lugging about bags and bags full of clothes, room decor and books for about 5 hours now and to say it was heavy would be an understatement. He was just lucky Steve had opted for delivering his small furniture, because his back would be broken by now.
"How much longer, I swear I can feel my arm falling off" he begged.
"Only one more stop then we're done, I just wanted to see if they had some vinyls we can remember"
"You said the last shop was the last one, if you are lying I'm leaving I don't care what you say"
"Ok grumpy, jesus if I'd of known you this much of a grouch whilst shopping I would've brought someone else along, to spare me from all this whining"
"Where is this shop anyways"
"It's like a five minute walk, come on your literally a super soldier get a move on".
By the time they got there Bucky looked like he was gonna kill Steve, it was infact not a five minute walk, rather a 35 minute walk to the edge of town.
"Steve I swear to god if this shop isn't good, I'm gonna throw you off the tower"
"Ok Buck, just you wait. Tony said this is where he comes for his rock ones and he swears by it and Tony is practically the music god at the tower if you hadn't noticed"
"Hold on, we're here because Tony said you can get rock music here. You literally said you were looking for 40s stuff" he argued as they walked through the door.
It was a small little record shop, although it was packed with vinyl's and cd's. It looked to be that they had a bit of everything.
He walked over to the 'employees top picks' rack to get a taste at what people were listening to, there was a lot of taylor swift and chappell roan, whoever they were.
"Buck, come look over here" Steve shouted.
As he walked over he noticed one of the workers bump her head off a rack and run out the back.

Liquid Gold - Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now