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New York, 2017

"Bucky I swear to god if you don't stop playing that vinyl I'll personally kick you out of the tower, Turn it off!" Tony shouted as he barged into Bucks room.
It was thursday, three days since he'd seen Jenna and they hadn't stopped messaging. It felt like old times when they'd talk about literally anything, so far they'd spoken about the weird man who came into Jens work, Bucky's weirdly long gym sesh's and the weird birds and bugs they would both find outside. He liked the innocence of their conversations, he knew they'd have to eventually discuss how they've both been adjusting to their 'new' lives. He figured it'd be better to discuss the heavier topics in person so they'd be able to properly comfort each other, but then again he didn't want to dump his troubles and difficulties on her when he thought she had gotten past it.

"Stark, do you mind knocking the door rather than just barging in? like seriously I could've been naked" he replied.
"Don't try changing the subject we both don't know why that albums been on repeat, and don't even try and tell me your a swiftie. Bleugh"
"Someone particularly fond of Taylor Swift, which you aren't or atleast you weren't before a special someone sold you that vinyl. Don't think Steve didn't tell me, and just about everyone in the building" he smirked.

God damn it Steve he thought

"So what does it matter who sold it to me, I might just really like this album. I mean 'florida' is really good".
That wasn't the real reason he'd been listening to it non stop, Tony's suspicions were absolutely correct. He felt like he was getting a better understanding of who she was, he enjoyed learning the little things about people, like their favourite singer or album.
"Don't lie Barnes, Steve also mentioned you getting a text message and I quote 'smiling like he used to smile before the war' now if that's not true love I don't know what is"
"Woah, who's talking about love. I'm going over to her apartment so she can show me some of her records and I think she mentioned watching a film"
"Let me guess, La La Land"
"Yeah, how'd you know"
"Because I let her on my itunes account and it said she'd watched it like fifty times last year, and when I brought it up she just told me I wouldn't get it and that she'd only ever watch the film with people she could trust to not break her heart so there wasn't any bad memories with it".
Buvky smiled at that, he was happy she still trusted him.
"See, there's that smile that Steve was talking about. Wow you've just warmed my heart up for days"
"Oh shut up Tony, was there a point to you coming in here other than to bother me?"
"Yes there was, I was going to tell you to be careful with her. I know, I know, you know her best out of all of us, but still. I don't think she's still properly processed what happened, I mean every time I see her it's like the eye bags get darker and darker. Just be careful, please. Oh and by the way we've got a mission for when you get back, some thing to do with Hydra if you're interested"
"Yeah just brief me when I get back I don't want to spend the whole time thinking about it, and she'll be fine Tony I won't let anything happen to her".
As Tony walked out he felt his phone buzz

Omg I swear to god I just saw your twin in my apartment building, he had the same emo jesus thing going for him. I almost had a heart attack thinking I'd forgotten how the week worked and it was secretly friday. ANYWAYS can't wait to see you, you're mind is about to be blown bucket I swear, I can't believe i'm the one who gets to introduce you to literal magic lolzz 😘😘

He burst out laughing, omg what is wrong with her he thought.

Can't wait for tomorrow either, just had Tony telling me you think this movie is a masterpiece he wouldn't understand, i'm shocked you have such high expectations of me. - bucky

He always made sure to properly punctuate his messages, he thought it was like writing a letter, she found it cute.

Bucket you don't have to sign every message I can see who it is. But I know you'd understand la la land, it just hits like no other film. Or atleast the ones i've watched, OMG WE SHOULD WATCH TANGLED ANOTHER TIME you totally strike me as a flynn rider 😘

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