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There I was, just floating in the lake behind my house. I was alone completely with my own thoughts. Wishing life was different and I wasn't the way I am. Wishing I couldn't see them.

I was so peaceful just floating, but I soon began to fill there hands trying to pull me down slowly. The demons and a few of the ghost hands pulling at me. I still was floating just moving around. Until I fleet a hand come over my mouth, and another one pulling my hair.

The other hands left but there still was those two hands.

I was out far which scared me when I was beginning dragged down. Struggling to get out of there grips. I began to fill light headed,losing air, my lungs filled with water. Soon it felt like I was beginning stabbed in the side. Almost if someone was carving words/numbers into me along my rib cage.

"Help!!" I said as I am finally above water. My brother is in the water looking for me. He quickly comes to me and pulls me out to shore.

"What the hell happened to you? One minute your there the next it looked like you were being dragged down. And look at you are these hand prints on you?"

I can't just tell him that there was demons pulling me down. I could see the hands he couldn't.

"Prints?" I say with a shaky voice. Well my whole body is shaking. I look down and there was bloody hand prints all over my body. "Oh God!" I say as I run into the house.

I look at the first mirror I could see. There was a hand print all bloody over my mouth." W-what. Call dad or someone one." I tell my brother as I bring my hand up to my mouth. The second I touch the bloody hand print, I spit out blood. And not just a little blood a lot and I mean a lot.

It scared me so much I gave a little scream. "T-take me to the hospital now." I say to my brother, Ash,you could tell that he was scared just as much as I was.

We got in the car and drove to the hospital. I was still in my black and blue two piece swimming suit. Every five minutes I coughed up more blood.

We sat in the car in silent just for the fact that we were both in shock and didn't know what to say.

We lived in a small but big town, it was like those movie towns, where everyone knew everyone. But we lived out near the lake. It takes up about forty minutes to get to town.

The minute Ash stoped the car I ran into the E.R room. "I need h-help now!" I said blood coming out of my mouth. Then like nothing I faint.

I opened up my eyes but my vision was all blurry. I saw two figures standing at the end of the hospital bed. "Did you hear? The date is coming." The woman like figure said. "Perfect!" The man figure said back.

My vision went back to normal but I felt so sleepy, my eyes would open the close. The two people disappear into thin air.

The demons and ghosts pasting by my room a lot. Everyone was talking about the date, whatever that was. The demons seemed so happy and excited. What ever the date is can't be good. Especially if demons want it, all they ever want to is to cause pain, and possession.

A woman came into my room. "Hello, I'm Filla I'm your nurse. How are you filling." It took me a while to say anything back since I felt like if she wasn't human,but she seemed human. If that makes any sense.

"Lydia your up, finally, I was getting board. Well your brother kept me busy for a bit." Becky said to me. She winked at the last sentence.

My best friend,Becky,and my brother,Ash, were secretly seeing each other. The act like it's a secret but everyone knows.

"Hey Becky. And I am doing fine." I said my voice was still shaky. "I don't care if your fine, I like it better when your suffering." Becky said laughing at the end. I made a little fake cry." Why. Why do you do this?" I said then laughed.

Me and Becky are able to be rude,nice,disguising, sarcastic,around each other. Well that's why we are best friends. Also she saw them. Becky was born with it,like me, and she also does some voodoo. To be honest I hate her doing voodoo just for the fact I know that she's going to hell.

"Okay? Your family," Filla began to say but was intruded by Becky." There down stairs eating the terrible hospital food. I got a bad donut. Want it?" She smiled, I rolled my eyes at her. "Yes I want you disgusting left overs because I love that." I said with the fakest smile ever. I hope Filla knew that we were kidding.

"Knock knock." My dad,Dan said walking in with my brother. "No, you two are not allowed I here." I said playfully showing them I'm fine." To bad I am a rebel." Ash said and continued to walk in.

"If you need me just call. Okay?" Filla said slowly walking out the room. I node my head.

"Can we go home?" I asked I hate hospitals. "Yeah." My father said. Helping me sit up strate. "What happened?" I asked my voice began to shake again.

"You passed out and they ran test to see what's wrong with you, they found nothing." My father said to me looking down. Not even at me. "Really? Only a few hours of test?" I said back. "Its been three days." Becky said look all sad.

I looked down. Three days, three days, I was sleep in the hospital. I want to figure out what the date is. And being asleep for three days don't help.

I got up and went to my dad's car. By the time we reached my house it was dark.

"Becky,stay the night?" I said as we approached the door. "Of course I'm not letting deal with this alone." She said putting her arm around me.

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