Day One Or One Day

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The venue is gorgeous. But it should be. Zack has more money than I do...maybe. The giant white tent sits on the ocean with a beautiful and elegant table layout and the dance floor layout is just mind-blowing. There is a freaking chandelier hanging in the tent. Each table centerpiece has a gold and lit candle floating in a small glass.

The beautiful sun is shining. It has to be pushing ninety degrees today, even by the water. The wedding is jampacked. The seats look out at the water and the priest stands near the edge, waiting for Anna to come out...I'm also waiting for Anna to come out.

It's like the picture-perfect scenery. I've only seen stuff like this in the movies, and I've lived near an ocean my entire life, but this...just beautiful.

Swans surround the grounds and have somehow been trained not to bother the guests or fly off. And I'm even more baffled by the fact that there's no poop anywhere.

"Where's the poop?" I ask Uncle Bob while bringing my wine glass up to my lips.

He chuckles. "Honey, I was wondering the same damn thing. But you see that man right there?" He points to a gentleman in a top hat following a swan.

I nod and sip from my glass.

"I think if a swan shits, he picks it up. And I swear to God, if I am right, I'm going to question my life. Imagine having so much God damn money you can pay someone to pick up swan shit on your wedding day. And then imagine being the man who took the job. I'd hate my life and envy anyone who hires me."

Uncle Bob looks around with confusion painted across his face. "Aren't you supposed to be the maid of honor?"

"No, and to be honest. I am kind of grateful. Anna's mom convinced her to let her sister, Shelly, be the maid of honor and I was quick to tell her I was okay with that. I'm not a fan of weddings. I like going to them to get drunk and dance, but this part right here, where they say, 'I do's'. It freaks me out. I can see me getting married someday, but not soon."

"Okay, fair enough." He points toward the water. "But what about that gentleman right there and why the hell are you drinking wine before the wedding."

My eyes lock onto Logan. My heart stops and my head feels all tingly and weird. "What about him?" I question. "And don't worry about the's a calming medication for me. I'm about to lose my best friend to a guy I used to date."

He looks at me, then back to Logan. "Well, the other brother is waiting for you to go dance with him. This wedding is just weird. They have yet to marry but people are out on the dance floor already, dancing their lives away. Go dance!"

"Ha!" I laugh. "I'm not entertaining any idea of being around him while here. My stomach fills with...I don't even know when I'm around him. My heart flutters. My head feels numb. I just can't seem to think straight..."

"It's called love, darling." He interrupts. "Maybe you should consider talking to him. Get whatever it is inside of you...out of you. It's okay to talk to him. Just because you two haven't seen each other in two years doesn't mean he's going to ignore you. Go get whatever it is...out of you."

It's been two years...I know what needs to come out of me...but I'm not telling Uncle Bob that.

I stand up, knowing the wedding itself isn't for another thirty minutes. "You're right," I say and exhale a nervous breath. "! What am I doing? I have no reason to talk to him. If I go talk to him, it's because my mindset is stuck on wanting him back or something, and that I cannot do!"

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