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Baileywick went to my room to wake me up; to his surprise, I wasn't on my bed. I was still at my table sleeping soundly.

"Rise and shine, Princess Sofia! You must get ready for school now." He said.

I stretched out my arms and feet and nodded to him. He went out, and I got chair? 'How is this possible?' I gasped.

There was chirping outside my window, I opened it and leaned; Robin and Maya were singing the most beautiful melodies.

"Good morning, Princess Sofia!" Maya said with a mellifluous voice.

"Why hello to you too!" I chuckled. "I best get ready now or me and Amber will be late. See you later!" I smiled, and they smiled back.

I got ready with my purple dress and put my hair up in a simple braid. I then went downstairs to eat. Mom and Dad were already there, but Amber and James were probably still getting ready. Muddled by what happened last night, I went to Mom and asked her about it.

"Mom, may I ask something?" I asked.

"Why, of course, Sofia, go ahead."

"What were you talking about last night?"

Silence filled the room.

"That I've got quite a day today?" I asked with a confused look.

My Mom raised an eyebrow, and with the same look she told me, "Why, I don't know what you're talking about Sofia, perhaps it was a dream?"

"Maybe..." I muttered.

Amber and James arrived at the dining hall, so we all started to eat breakfast. It was rather a quiet one at that, but I suppose everyone has a lot on their minds right now. After eating, me, Amber and James went to school. James at Chivalry Hall and Ever Realm Academy for me and my sister.

As we were walking down the hallway, Amber tapped on my shoulder and said worrisomely, "Sofia, what's wrong?" I didn't say anything. "Well, you just don't seem yourself, you're very lost in thought...did I do something wrong?" she continued.

I didn't want to worry my sister too much, so I told her about what happened last night. She said that it could have meant something or nothing at all and that I was scared for nothing. I hope Amber's right, it was just a dream and I don't have to worry too much about it.

When we entered our classroom, we sat down and Miss Astrid gave us each a scroll.

"Alright, class. As some of you may know, students who reach year three partake in the annual School Ball," she said; everyone was smiling and others were chattering about what they would wear, the room was filled with excitement.

"This year's host is Corinthian Sports School, and the theme is 'Aurora Borealis', you will see the other details in your invitation." Miss Astrid added.

Amber was silent for a while, but she started to smile, I asked her what was she smiling about, and she said squealing with delight, "It's obvious that I always love a good ball, but Sofia, every school is invited. Every. School. Don't you get it?" she was waiting for me to catch up with a grin on her face.

I sat there and kept thinking, and then it hit me — not only would we attend it, but also our friends from Royal Prep! I smiled with excitement and squealed.

In The Midst Of It All: A Hugfia StoryWhere stories live. Discover now