Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Mayleens POV

I walked back to Nialls room. I didnt even really feel as though I was walking, more like floating. I checked to make sure my feet were still on the ground. Yep. Still there.

I dropped onto Nialls bed. "I thought you were going shopping."

"Dakotas doing it for me. I just wanna sleep." I swear I was in there for not even 5 minutes when Dakota got back. I groaned and walked downstairs.

"Thanks Dakota. Anything you need just ask me and Ill do it." I grabbed bags from Dakota and I looked over. "Oh. Hi Liam. Thank you." I said as I grabbed the other bags from Liam.

"Welcome Mayleen. Night." Liam said while heading upstairs.

"Yes. Goodnight Mayleen." Dakota said. "Are you sure you dont want me to help?"

"Go to sleep Dakota. Ill be fine." I said as I walked to the kitchen. It was a while before I heard her walk up the stairs.

She works way too hard all the time. Dakota should actually get some sleep for once in her life. It seems like she doesnt sleep at all yet she has enough energy to do whatever she wanted. I dont even see how she can do it but she only has to clean two peoples rooms and neither of them are Harry Edward Styles.

I put all of the groceries away and made the sandwich. I wrote on the little reminder board Niall N's. I brought Niall his sandwich. He took it greedily and took a big bite. I literally had to wait for him to finish his sandwich because I knew he'd want more. I ended up making 5 seperate sandwiches. Then I was finally allowed to sleep.


6 in the morning. My day begins then and doesnt stop until whenever I get home. 6 is how many hours I usually get of sleep. But today I had to wake up earlier so I could go home and grab my work clothes.The only good thing that was going to happen today was get my check. All the money that I get to spend on my apartment and what little food I have to last the month.

I had to get my lazy ass up and walk home but Niall wouldnt let me leave. I had to pry him off me and when I finally did, I ran into Harry, thankfully fully clothed. "Morning, Master." I said as I hopped down the stairs. I had gotten to the bottom and just stood there. "Harry, wheres my check? Its payday."

He wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his head on my shoulder, which wouldve given him a good view of my cleavage. I felt him smirk and he handed me my check. I opened it to see it was about $200 less than usual. He let me go and I turned around. "What the fuck is this?!" I screamed. "We agreed on $1000 every two weeks!! Not $800, not $750, but $1000. So, what the fuck is this shit?!"

"We have to spend less money now with everything going to shit."

"But we agreed on motherfucking price though! You have to fucking warn me before you do shit like this!" I started pacing back and forth. "This is shit Harry. This is some big shit that you fucking pulled."

"Moneys been tight recently-"

"Moneys been tight recenty?" I repeated. "You expect me to fall for 'moneys been tight recently'. C'mon Harry you know Im not that stupid. Other bitches who used to work for you would probably fall for that but not me."

"There is a way for you to get that money back." Harry said. My attention was caught when he said 'money' and 'back'.

"And that is?"

"You sleep with me." My face went blank. He just said that the only way I get money is that I sleep with him. Even though I had that little voice in the back of my head screaming, "NOOOO!!! DONT DO IT, ITS A TRAP!!!" I had almost no money on food this month if I dont.

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