She Left?

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Ananya sat on the edge of the bed, lost in her thoughts. The moment at the party, where they had almost kissed, played over and over in her mind. Her thoughts were broken  when Arjun entered the room and headed straight to the closet to change into something more comfortable. Ananya followed his lead, first removing her jewelry and then slipping into her nightdress.

Inside the closet, Arjun's thoughts mirrored Ananya's. The scene from the party replayed vividly in his mind: the way he had felt when he touched her waist, brushed her fingers, and gazed into her eyes, which always seemed to draw him in. He had been so close to kissing her. His heartbeat had quickened, and he could almost feel the warmth of her breath against his lips. Shaking off the memory, Arjun reminded himself sternly not to fall for her. She was a distraction he couldn't afford.

When Arjun emerged from the closet, he seemed distant, almost as if he was going somewhere. Ananya, already waiting for him, as she saw him moving towards the door, she asked, "Where are you headed so late?"

"I have some work. I'll be late." He paused, then added coldly, "What happened at the party…was a mistake...just a show for others. Don’t take it seriously."

Saying this, Arjun moves out of the room. But here, Ananya's world seems to be shattered by his words. She had hoped that he might accept her, but again it was clear; their relationship was nothing more than a role play for the sake of his family.

After crying, she asked herself, "Why can’t you give our relationship a fair chance?" Before going to sleep.

Tears streamed down her face as she tried to understand why he kept pushing her away. She knew there was something between them, a connection that was more than just an act. But every time she got close, he built another wall. Before going to sleep, she whispered, "Why can’t…”

Here Arjun sat in his study, diligently working on his laptop. He seemed so focused, that he even couldn’t hear his phone ringing. After three or four calls, his chain of thoughts was finally broken, and he checked his phone, which was still ringing. It was a call from one of his business partners, Mr. Raina, who was working with him on a Saudi project. It was a call for the important meeting that was going to be conducted early the next morning.

Once the call ended, Arjun returned to his work, glancing at the screen to review what he had typed. 

He was shocked to see the document was filled with nonsensical sentences. He had been physically present at his desk, but mentally, he was elsewhere—consumed by thoughts of a girl. Her eyes, reflecting unshed tears, her gentle touch—every detail about Ananya flooded his mind.

He could still feel the warmth of her presence, the electricity that had sparked between them when they had almost kissed. He remembered the softness of her skin, the way her eyes had looked up at him with a mixture of hope and fear. His heart ached with a longing he had been trying to suppress.

Arjun leaned back in his chair, rubbing his temples. "What is happening to me?" he muttered under his breath. "Why can't I get her out of my head?" He knew the answer, but he didn't want to admit it. Ananya was becoming more than just a part of his family obligations. She was becoming someone he cared about deeply, someone who had the power to break down the walls he had built around his heart.

He reminded himself that it was just the heat of the moment and not to fall for her. "It's just a distraction," he told himself firmly. "Focus, Arjun. You have a business to run." He tried to push the thoughts of Ananya away, forcing himself to concentrate on the project at hand.

"Where is Arjun?" Sunita, his mother inquired.

Ananya hesitated, then quietly mentioned, "He left early for a meeting."

Sunita frowned. "He can afford to leave work for a few days."

Ananya bit her lip, she forced herself to focus on her breakfast, pushing the food around her plate without any appetite. Each movement felt like a chore, a distraction from the emotional turmoil brewing inside her.

Later that evening, Rohan, Maya, and Aksh were lounging comfortably in the living room, their easy chatter filling the air with warmth. When Arjun joined them, a faint smile played on his lips as he soaked in the relaxed atmosphere. "What's going on?" he asked.

Maya grinned mischievously. "We've been missing Ananya bhabhi so much, we decided to give her a call."

Arjun's smile faded slightly, replaced by a furrowed brow. "Where is she?" he inquired, a note of concern creeping into his voice.

Aksh, ever the storyteller, leaned forward with a hint of drama. "Ananya bhabhi left the Rathore mansion," he revealed softly, his words hanging in the air with unexpected weight. "We're not sure why."

Arjun froze, the news hitting him like a sudden gust of wind. "She... left?" he murmured, disbelief coloring his words as he struggled to comprehend.

Maya and Rohan exchanged bewildered glances, silently communicating their own confusion and concern. Aksh, however, maintained his knowing expression, a hint of mischief in his eyes as he glanced at Maya and Rohan.


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