Vengeance Fulfilled

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Warning Alert

Blood, gore

Deadpool:And Cannoli.

Me:*blast Deadpool away with a KI blast*Get the fuck out of here!

No one pov


Silence was all that could be heard after the action was done...

Crimson blood splattered from Katsuki neck as Izuku stared at the camera with glee, the metallic smell of blood filling the air


Were the last words Katsuki Bakugo could muster out before he died entirely

Izuku laughed psychotically on camera as he watched Bakugo's head roll onto his chest

Chills were sent down the backs of most people that could hear the pure malice in Izuku voice

Class A stared in pure shock, they were so shocked they found that they couldn't do anything at all..

It felt as if time stopped, all that could be heard was Izuku monologuing

Izuku:You see Japan?! Not even pro heros could save this scumbag from me.And I'm just getting started.Class 1A.I know you're watching.I'm not done with ANY of you...I'm just beginning.The stuff you saw in the torture chambers are going to be a BLESSING compared to what I'm going to do to you once I get my hands on all of you! Don't even think that you can't stop me.*turn into his Ink Demon Form 100%*I can't be erased.

And Izuku punch the camera, ending the broadcast

Chills goes down on 1A and the UA staff that remained which are

Present Mic

With Izuku

Izuku walked over to Katsuki body and removed the chains and straps, he watched Katsuki body fall over to the side

With Katsuki being dead he had no muscle control so he was bound to fall out the chair

Izuku held back a chuckle as he lifted up the corpse and slammed it into the white wall to his left, getting blood splattered all over it

Kurogiri:May I ask why are you throwing his corpse? Is he already dead?

Izuku:He sadly isn't entirely dead, he has the faintest pulse.However with that slam he should definitely be dead.I guess I didn't slash his vein hard enough.

Izuku walked back over to Katsuki body and checked to see if he still had a pulse

Bakugo was hardly alive, his heart was still beating

Izuku:How is he not dead?!

Izuku spat as he kicked the side of Bakugo's head

Tomura:How is that brat still alive...???

Izuku:I don't know. But I'll make sure that he won't be alive for much longer.

AFO:Before you kill him entirely,let me take away his Quirk.


Izuku was holding Katsuki corpse and AFO took his Quirk

Then Izuku grow Ink wings and fly with Katsuki towards UA


1A was bandaged as the best it could do

UA is now empty because most of the students and staff quit

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