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I literally just wanna hear someone say they're proud of me

I want to feel loved and needed.

I'm a shitty person and I've made mistakes and yet you all fucking hold that against me and tell me to grow tHe fuck up. Uh. No sweetie you grow the fuck up, you're 12 holding grudges against a 14 year old. Fucking 12, like actually grow up🎀🎀

And then we got people telling me to kms!!

I just might at this point/srs

The internet is just fucking toxic same with out the internet

We got parents friends siblings them stupid ass people at school making fun of you

Shit sucks

I'm so done of acting like I care when I really don't

My give a fucks are on vacation


Fuck you want me to do be fucking for real.


Vent cause I'm a loserWhere stories live. Discover now