How does it feel--
When you first approach me?
Don't you think it's surreal--
Cause we connect easily?
Also, how does it feel
When I've instantly given you my heart?
And you made it look like an ideal
When you said you wouldn't break it apart.
So, how does it feel
When we keep the status of us?
Still, I believe that everything is real
Cause I've given you my trust
But, how does it feel
The moment you said it to me?
Where it's you who reveal
That you've committed dishonesty
You told me I was right
And at that moment, I have a clue
But it still gave me a fright
When you admit that it was true
All about my doubts
All about my suspicion
It was true, as it turns out
About you and that person
Tell me how does it feel
The moment you approach it me?
You could have told me that it's real
So I could accept it easily?
Also, how does it feel
When you've broken my heart?
And, It's no longer an ideal
Cause you break it apart
Tell me, how does it feel
When we end the status of us
Cause I thought everything was real
But it turns out you've broken my trust
So, tell me now
How does it feel?