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"Look at yourself, you're beautiful." Dolly says placing her hands on my shoulders and turning me to face the mirror.
I was dressed I knee high dress that was dark a dark purple, it has lace on the top and flowy on the bottom. I wore beige platform heels as shoes. My hair was curled and on one of my eyes I had makeup that looked like feathers and a bird while my lips were a shade of pink. I also had the necklace that I had worn during the interview and my mother's rings.
"My little black bird," Richy says walking in.
"Black Phoebe." Dolly adds.
"Black Phoebe." I repeat.
"Now go, go. Don't want to be late for the interview." Richy says taking my hand and guiding me to the stage.
Brandon was already there.
"Do you hear the crowd?" He asks.
I nod, "this is it."
I could hear Ceaser Flickerman talking to the crowd about us.
Richy pushes us closer to the stage.
"Here they are, Brandon Brown." Ceaser says. Brandon walks onto the stage and the crowd erupts into cheers and screams.
"And Phoebe Willows." Ceaser adds, I walk onto stage smiling and waving while trying not to fall. The crowd got significantly louder I sit down on one of the chairs next to Brandon and Ceaser.
"The victors of the 67th Hunger Games." Ceaser says, "stand up you two."
We stand up again and smile. The crowd hadn't stopped screaming.
I looked around the stage, behind us was mine and Brandon's tribute pictures, along with some pictures from the Games.
"So, what was it like in the arena?" Ceaser asks once the crowd had settled down.
"Scary." Brandon says.
"I would say it was intense." I add, "You never knew what would happen."
"Intense and scary huh?" Ceaser says giving an eye to the the crowd, "Phoebe I see you have gotten your arm back."
"Yeah," I laugh to the crowd, "like I never lost it"
The crowd laughed.
"That's good, thats good", Ceaser laughs patting my arm, "What did you miss most in during the Games?"
"I think we talked about this when we were in the Games but speaking for both Brandon and I, I think we both missed our family the most." I reply looking at Brandon.
"So, both of you made some pretty strong connections during the Games, what was that like?" Ceaser asks.
"They were all great people, unfortunately they had to pass on." Brandon says. Thank god he answered instead of me, I don't think I could've.
"Tomorrow you will be returning home, what do you think that'll be like." Ceaser asks.
"Definitely different." I say.
"How so?" Ceaser replies.
"We got used to the Capitol, we don't want to leave." Brandon laughs. That's a lie, he and I both know we want to get the hell out of this shit hole.
I nod in agreement.
"Too bad." Ceaser says, "So Phoebe, how does it feel knowing that you won this game for your mother?"
"It feels great." I say holding back the urge to scream.
Ceaser had continued to ask us questions for another half an hour. Each question made me want to just get up and leave, all I wanted to do was leave.
Finally Ceaser announced the interview would be finished once we watched a video of the highlights of our game.
The first thing that showed up was the tribute parade, some things from training including Klintons attacking me, parts of the interviews.
Next was the bloodbath, the camera was focused on me and then on Brandon. It showed me running and grabbing my weapons and packs then running into the tunnel.
Next it showed me killing the tributes in the tunnel.
I sheilded my eyes from seeing it.
It showed everything, Melanie's district partner's death, Hallen's, the tribute that killed him, Melanie's, Alice's, Janice's, Nicky and Rucker's. Every death that I had a part of.
The video showed the one on one Brandon and I had, including the kissing part. Remind me to hide from Leanne when we get back.
It showed us running from the explosions and fire, Klinton killing Lilly, me killing Klinton. Lightning taking my arm off and Brandon killing her. Then it ended. I wanted to cry so bad, I wanted to leave.
"That's all we have time for today. Brandon Brown and Phoebe Willows, victors of the 67th Hunger Games everyone!" Ceaser exclaims. The crowd cheers as we exit the stage. Once I'm off I start to cry.
"Phoebe, lets get out of here." Brandon says taking me to Dolly who stood there with open arms.
She took me to the dressing room, and gave me something to change into, Brandon followed.
"You did good." She says.
Richy entered the room, "sweetie." He says giving me a hug, "lets go to the room. Come Brandon."
We head up to the room, Brandon stayed close to my side. Once we got up there I plopped onto the couch and Brandon sat next to me. I put my head on his shoulder and he held me close.
"I want to go home." I say.
"I know," he says, "I do too."
"I want to forget." I say.
There was a pause, "We can't though. This is who we are now, its a part of us."

Sorry the end of this update was so rushed, I apologize that its bad.

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