⭐️The roles for the Highschool AU⭐️

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Not everything will be said but some of these points might matter in the progress of the story. Also all of the students ages will be 17-19 or else it wouldn't make much sense for them to go to school. It is also advised to read this chapter before the first one "the start of a special class".


Daniel: English teacher

-often lets the students do group projects and overall does activities to bring everyone together

-some students like him and some find him boring. There's never a between

- leads the musical club

- tries to find students with a singing or acting talent for musical club

-likes all of his Students equally (atleast he tries to)

- makes jokes to keep up with today's generation (they cringe at the jokes)

Amantha: Math teacher

- always has a cup of coffee on her desk because she overworks

- has dark circles under her eyes to the point where even students are concerned

-is way too scared of bacteria when she goes with her students on school Trips

- often called strict and unlikable due to giving too much homework

- gives a lot of homework because she's worried that they didn't learn enough

-barely takes any break from her job

Aria: PE teacher

- had troubles getting the job due to her missing arm

- constantly surprises her students with her stamina ( they don't expect her to be this athletic)

- was one of the only people who applied for the job

- joins in on warm up activities like laps when students complain too much

- leads many sport clubs

Delilah: Biology teacher

- constantly brings plants or certain animals for students to take care of

- is happy to see her son enjoying the nature so much

- goes on walks with her classes to look at insects and learn about them

- is often not present due to medical reasons

-leads the gardening and baking club

Hannah: Social Studies teacher

-does activities with teamwork to bring class together

- is very kind to anyone even the assholes

- carries a photo of her children due to missing them a lot

- her oldest child goes to the boarding school

- is also the school's therapist



- favourite subject is biology

-will be part of the gardening club

- has a low self esteem due to getting bullied in his past school for his more feminine traits

- tries to be a perfect student (keyword: tries. No one is perfect)

- is insecure of his singing because he used to be made fun of for it (he's a great singer)


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