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Eve woke in dark room. She couldn't see a thing in the blackness. She tried to stand, but her hands were bound behind her and she was tied at the waist to the chair. She struggled but the cord wouldn't come loose. Suddenly, there was a burning pain in her right hand, the one with the mysterious scar. She craned her neck to get a better view, but couldn't see her hands. All she saw was a bright blue light that seemed to come from them. She winced through the pain, and gasped in surprise when a cool, heavy object dropped from her sleeve into her hand. As she grasped it, the pain disappeared, and she realized it was some sort of knife. I didn't have a knife, she thought. How did that get there? It didn't matter, she knew, as long as it got her out. She rotated her hand so that the blade was in position to cut the cords. It only took a minute: either the cords were very easily cut or the weapon she held was extremely dangerous.

Eve freed herself, then stood. There was a thin line of light coming from what she assumed to be a door. She walked over to it and pushed it open a little more. She saw a hallway that was dimly lit by several torches spaced evenly apart. The walls were made of stone, like an ancient castle. She heard footsteps, so she frantically closed the door. But now she waited, ear pressed on the wooden door, listening.

"Are you certain that it's her?" The voice was smooth and worried and she spoke with a Greek accent.

"Yes, Dalia. She has the Mark of Ares on her hand. And she looks exactly like Iphito did." This voice was familiar; filled with venom and yet melodic. Athena Darkhallow. She spoke the name, Iphito, with hatred.

"Alright, then. We wake her, and take her to see her family. And then, she can join them!" The first voice, Dalia, said excitedly.

"No, no, no. Not yet. The Empress has not yet returned. We must wait for her leave." They walked right up to her door, and stopped. Eve backed away, towards the chair. But they kept walking. Once the footsteps were out of earshot, Eve opened the door. She went the way the voices had come from, and crept down the hall.
There was no noise. It was as if the whole castle - or whatever this was - was holding its breath. Eve had no idea where she was going. But when the light grew stronger, she realized that she was walking towards a large room. She stepped through a doorway, into a vast hall.

There was a throne, blood red, and beside it tomb, labeled "The remains of a traitor: the end of the Queen's Line". Eve realized that she was hopelessly lost, and trapped in a room where her supposed ancestor lay in a box. "What are you doing here?" A voice hissed. Eve spun around to see a young girl, even younger than herself, dressed in the same fashion as Athena Darkhallow. One of the Amazon, Eve realized. The girl stormed towards her. She's alone, a thought popped into Eve's head, a thought that was not her own, and accompanied by the burning in her hand... You can take her. Eve felt the blade in her hand. As the girl grabbed at her arm, Eve spun, snatching her arm a twisting it behind her. With her other hand, she pressed the blade, which she now knew was a dagger, against the girl's throat. "Show me the way out," Eve murmured dangerously.

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