A Second First Beginning

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"No, Mom, I'm not leaving! I can't abandon all my friends just because you decided to leave the school," I yelled across the room.

"We've had this discussion four times. You are leaving S.I.S. End of discussion," she replied firmly.

I stormed up to my room, fuming. Why did I have to leave Sunrise International School? Just because she quit her job, it's not fair.

I grabbed my phone from the table and called my favorite group chat, "Besties." Madison and Haisley picked up almost immediately. I started ranting. "It's so unfair! Can't she stay for even one or two more years so I can go to school with you guys? Sunrise Secondary is the best school around, plus we'd be going together, so I wouldn't have to face another first day alone."

Haisley spoke up, "Just because you have an unnecessary fear of first days doesn't mean they're all bad. Who knows, you might even make some new friends?"

"It's not just a first day, it's a second first day. I don't get to be cool and mysterious because who knows how many people remember the dumb things I did back in the sixth grade? What if people hate me? What if I'm an outcast? One wrong move and I'm screwed for the next two years," I wailed.

"Quit fussing," Madison said. "It's only for two years, and we're still on for Harvard, right?"

"Right," Haisley chimed in.

We talked for about an hour before finally saying our goodbyes.

I sighed. "Tenth grade is going to suck, but positive energy never killed anyone, so..." I started chanting as I walked off my bed and down the stairs. 

"I'm not screwed, I'm not screwed, I'm not screwed."



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