The Second First ASA

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"Remember, guys, we have our annual field trip this Saturday. We are going to Long Beach in Los Angeles," the teacher announced. "Everyone bring your swimming costumes and snacks because it's a four-hour drive to get there." Just like that, the bell rang, and school was over.

I looked at Xavier and asked, "Are you going home, or do you have an after-school activity?" I tried to sound nonchalant but secretly hoped it was the latter.

Shut up, brain. We just met him. Actually, we met him four years ago, and he was our best friend, and now he is our hot best friend.

"Yeah, I'll be staying for two extra hours for the literature club."

"Really? You don't strike me as a lit guy."

"I'm not, that's why I'm joining."

"Well, I'm also in lit, so I'll be going there in a minute. Right now, I gotta take my sister to the car and greet my parents."

"I'll come with you," he said quickly.

"Sure, if you want to."

"Yeah, I do," he said, grinning again.

We walked two doors down to my sister's class. A truckload of boys greeted us with a few girls mixed in here and there. My sister was at the very back, talking to three girls. I interrupted softly, "Georgia, Mom just called me. She said she and Dad are outside waiting for you."

"What about you?"

"I'm going to lit club and then getting a bus home."

"And who is that behind you?" Georgia asked, grinning like she had found a new toy.

"Georgia, don't. He is not a new toy you can test your pranks on."

"He looks fun. I'm sure he'll enjoy them."

"Hello, my name is Xavier, and I have to warn you if you prank me, I will definitely prank you back."

"Xavier, you do not know what you have started," I said jokingly.

"No, he made his bed. Now it's time for him to lie in it."

"Whatever, let's just go. Mom and Dad are waiting."

"Sure," she said, grabbing her bag. "Bye, Camilla. Bye, Sahara," she waved as I practically dragged her out of the room.

So those were their names, Sahara and Camilla, I thought, making a mental note.

We walked in silence until we reached the children's playground. Georgia stuck her leg out and tripped poor Xavier, who was texting on his phone. Georgia started laughing while I ran to Xavier, concerned, just to hear him laughing along with her.


When they were done laughing, I stuck my hand out to help Xavier. He took it and grunted, "I'm going to get you for this, Georgia. Just wait and see." Soon we all started laughing as we walked towards the entrance. Immediately, I saw my Dad's white Jeep parked outside. I ran towards it and reached it way before Georgia. I greeted my parents, and they asked me how my day went. I said it went wonderfully. My Mom shot me her "I told you so" look, and before I could elaborate, I turned to see a screaming Georgia shouting, "Mom, Dad, best day ever," as she jumped straight into the back seat.

"Okay, we will talk when we get home. Just go and enjoy lit club," my mom said.

I closed the car door, but not before I heard Georgia say, "Oh, she definitely will because she got a boyfriend." I was about to intervene and defend myself against Georgia's lies, but it was too late. The Jeep pulled out of the parking lot and drove away. I walked back to Xavier. "Let's go, okay?"

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