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Yamamoto 😼
(5:30 pm)

I'm sorry to disturb you

It's been hurting my head all day
and I just have to ask

When are we going to talk about
what Kenma said?

I'm sorry if I'm coming on to strong
or if I'm too forward but I need to know.

I have so many questions and I
truly don't want us to be awkward

I also want to know what I did wrong so
I can understand and apologize for it

I would love to have this conversation
in person but we don't live close by,
you're in Osaka with Kenma and Kuroo
and I'm in Sendai rn

Maybe we can have this
conversation in person
when you come to visit?

I just have so many question but
I'll respect your wishes, after all
even though I really want to know,
you are the one I hurt and I wouldn't
want to invalidate you're feeling

I'll be in Osaka in two weeks.

Hope we can talk then




even after you found out how cringe
and annoying I was pinning after you
and you still find a way to apologize

It's only the right thing to do

I could only imagine how you feel

In your eyes I've rejected you but all
I've ever wanted was just you.

I'm sorry that was too straightforward

What I mean is, you've always been
a constant in my life. You have always
been there and although I never took
your presence for granted, I feel like
I couldn't give you what you deserved

Yama. I care for you. Very deeply. Even
years later I still care for you. I want you
to understand that I've moved on just as
I'm sure you have as well. Yes it did hurt
chasing after you and not have my feelings
returned but at the end of the day, you've
always been the best person I've had around.

We're what could have been but didn't.

Yes that sounds super sad but honestly I'm
grateful for the friendship we have now

In conclusion I'm okay and I hope you
are as well.

Why are we being so considerate of
each others feelings?

Why can't we just admit we liked
each other in highschool?

Yamamoto I was fucking in love
with you and I didn't know what
to do about it.

Y/n I was also in love with you
and didn't know what to do
about it

You were the first guy to ever treat me
with such delicacy and kindness
but I didn't know how to act upon
those feelings.

You were the first girl to ever notice me
and not flinch away over my obnoxious

There is so many more amazing things
about you but none of them can change
what could have been.

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