A baby..?

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"it's a nice morning today. the birds and chirping, the sun in shining, and there is a baby cryin- WAIT THERE IS A BABY CRYING!??" Kaveh said to himself as he rushed to the front door and opened it to see a baby in a basket with some essentials for it in the basket as well.

Kaveh picks up the baby and grabs the basket and  rushes over to Alhaitham's room, and slams the door open abruptly, waking up Alhaitham. "HAYI!! SOMEONE LEFT THEIR BABY ON OUR DOORSTEP, WHAT DO WE DO??"

Alhaitham then quickly sits up, looking at him and the baby. "Damn, why us though?" Alhaitham said. "I DONT KNOW??" Kaveh said obviously panicking as he tries to calm down the baby, the baby then calms down after awhile and started to laugh as Kaveh made his way towards his room and placed it on his bed as he then placed it to sleep.

Kaveh then went to Alhaitham, who is now making himself some coffee for both him and Kaveh. "Hayi, I placed the baby to sleep..what do we do??" Kaveh said obviously, worried about the baby, "we should look for its mother." Alhaitham suggested before Kaveh agrees."I agree. We should look for its mother then!".

(A few minutes later, after they were done eating breakfast)

"Alright, we're all ready now. Let's go and find its mother!" Kaveh says before picking up the baby as Alhaitham follows along with him.

They then went out of their house and then started going around asking people if they knew where the baby's mother was, with most of the answers being no and some being directions to an orphanage.

Eventually, they both gave up and went back to their house, almost losing hope.

Kaveh then goes into his room and takes a nap while Alhaitham goes to the bathroom to give the baby a shower to give Kaveh a break.

"Hm..a girl, I guess I should tell Kaveh about that soon once he wakes up so we won't misgenderize her.." Alhaitham thought to himself before giving her a bath and then clothed her up before putting the baby to sleep in his room

(After a while once Kaveh wakes up)

Alhaitham tells Kaveh more about the baby before Kaveh then goes to the baby to feed it.

Kaveh's baby fever then starts acting up as he gently pinches her cheeks and feeds her also talking in a baby voice. "Aww! Who's a cute baby? You are!" Kaveh then finishes feeding her before picking her up and then realizes that he doesn't actually know much of how to change a baby's diaper..

"Oh great.. how do I change one?" I thought to myself before remembering the amount of books Alhaitham has, I then went over to where I placed his books yesterday and started to look for a book about how to take care of babies before I almost gave up knowing that he wouldn't really care about it until I stumbled upon  a book that said 'why and how to take care of babies'. I wondered to myself why he had this book until I saw a post-it note on the back saying 'picked up wrong book, bring back to library in 2 weeks..', "Ohh! That explains! I hope he gets to let me keep this now that this baby is stuck with us for the time being..

While i was walking around then I noticed that the book I wanted to return was gone, I looked all over for it until I saw Kaveh reading it as he was changing her diaper, I guess I shouldn't return it then.. plus, I already bought it soo..I shouldn't return it. "Kaveh, did you remove the post-it note on the back? I'm not gonna return that book anymore. "

"Oh really? Okay" Kaveh then turns the book to the back and throws away the note into the trash and finishes up changing the baby's diaper and dresses her up into comfortable clothing and then placed her to sleep in and then let her sleep on his bed before going to the living room and sitting on the couch infront of Alhaitham.

"What do we call her? We can't just describe her as her pronouns and stuff.." I said to him, trying to think of a name to call her, I thought of abunch of names, but none of them were good enough..

When I heard Kaveh mention a name, I resented that at first cause I didn't really wanna have much of some emotional attachment to her, but I realized that his reasoning was good enough so I also started on thinking of a bunch of names aswell..

They both had some silence while thinking of a name before they both ended up saying a name at the same time, which was..

Author's note: I'm dite everyone thinks it's me who wrote this. But nah! This belongs to my little sister. (Author's sister's note: hello, it's me their sister, you can just call/refer to me as 'S' or 'Author S'. But anyways, sorry for no images but while I was writing this I kind of cringed at some parts and your welcome for the cliff hanger, it's cause I got an idea which was to let yall decide on the baby's name, I will read some of yells suggestion and whichever name I like most, it will he the name of the baby. REMEMBER THAT THE BABY IS A GIRL BTW)

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