I Cant Stand Seeing You Cry: Silver x Reader | Part 1

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Haiii! LOL. This Silver Will Be Kinda Out Of His Character... I Warn You!
~(Silver's POV)~
Ughhhh, Gold has been asking me all day if I like (n/n)... Yeah I do like her

~3rd POV~
"Hey Silver do u like (f/n)?" Gold asked.
"Ughhhhhhh, NOOOO I DONT! SOO CAN U BLOODY ASKING ME!" Silver shouted at Gold.
"Yeesh" Gold said.
But little did Silver and Gold know that (f/n) were listening to their conversation.

~(f/n)'s POV~
When I heard Silver said that he [a/n: LOL I was about to put she instead of he] didn't like me... I suddenly bursed into tears and then.....

~(Gold's and Silver's POV)~
We suddenly heard someone crying, when we checked who was it
IT WAS (f/n)?!
When she saw us, she ran away

~(Gold's POV)~
And for the first time Silver followed what I said.
After he left me I sighed and kept on face palming.
"Ughhhh, what has Silver done to himself?!"

~Silver's POV~
'Ughhh, What have I done?!'

~(Y/n)'s POV)~
I climbed up a tree and cried there, then the rain started pouring.......
LOL... I have to make a Part 2 because I'm busy... Uhhh yeah that's it
Me: ....
Pewdiepie: Stay awesome bros*brofist*

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