Sick!Pearl x Reader | Part 2

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M'k Guys. Yay, I'm Back 😆😆😆. I really need to write more stories than notes... I mean seriously. And oh yeah before I forget anything, I'll explain the real story at the end of the story... Sooo enjoy ^ ^. (Btw, that not a mole beside the ^ ^).
~(Y/n's POV)~
We were keeping an eye on our Batch President until... We saw our Batch President talk to our HELE Teacher while pointing to the direction where (a/p/n) was. "Dude! I told you to stop crying awhile ago!" I complained. "E-eh... But look at Pearl!" (A/p/n) sobbed. "Oi, Oi. What in the bloody hell is going on?" Our teacher asked.
There was silence. "Well anyways, do you want to go to the guidance office?" She asked (a/p/n) sweetly. [a/n: Yes, she was a very nice teacher that you could always talk to 😆]. (A/p/n) nodded as he/she went out to the classroom with a companion guiding her/him so that she won't actually collapse. [a/n: Yeahh... My (A/p/n) literally had a companion because she had a disease in the heart... Like, why in the bloody veins of frickin' Pearl is she doing here in the bloody school... She could have a bloody heart attack any moment now!]. Before he/she left, I quickly grabbed her hand hand whispered, "Make sure to make up a story". She/he ignored me and left with her/his companion.

~(Time Skip To Science!)~
(A/p/n) returned back to our classroom with Pearl actually being more pale. "Pearl..." I mumbled. "Hm? Yes?" He replyed. "Oh, It's Nothing..." I muttered sleepily because it was second to the last subject, Science. (A/p/n) was on her/his way to her/his seat looking less sad(?). [a/n: Well I was supposed to put '(a/p/n) was on her/his way to his/her seat looking less crying... Like, that does not make sense at all]. While our science teacher was teaching about the chambers of the heart and it's functions, I could see in the corner of my eye that (A/p/n) was tearing up again. 'Hay Nako... Ito nanaman...' I thought to myself while I sighed. [a/n: (translation: God... Here it goes again...)]. "Ok Class, now we are going to have an assessment. The activity sheet is 'modified true or false' if the statement is true put 'true' and put an explanation on the line below, and if false, put 'false' and put an explanation on the lines provided. You are given 15 minutes to answer. 15 minutes starts now". She instructed while she gave out the papers.

~(Time Skip To 6 Minutes)~
Well of course I was already done answering because IT WAS EASY FOR PEATS SAKE! Well... That was the exact moment when (a/p/n) couldn't take it anymore and started crying. And of course, our teacher saw and her/him. She asked her/him to go out of the classroom with her to talk about it. (A/p/n) walked out of the classroom with eyes following them both. Once the two went out, a tall woman with glasses in a ponytail walked in the room and called out Pearl's name. "Pearl! Please come with me! You are going home!" She called out. I sighed. I looked at Pearl and he mouthed me a 'I'll be alright' with a weak smile as he went out with a weak smile.

~(Time Skip To Two Days)~
It's been two days since Pearl was absent and now (A/p/n) is now better with no more cases of any heart diseases. And later I have decided that I will go visit him.
~(Later That Day)~
I arrived at Pearl's house entrance and pushed the doorbell. [a/n: I just thought of weird stuff there... I was about to put 'Pearl's entrance'... Well, INNOCENT PEOPLE OUT THERE DON'T ASK ANYONE WHAT THAT MEANS]. The door opened and I saw a woman, which I could tell which is his mom in front of me. "Oh, Hello (Y/n). What brings you here?" She said in a sweet voice. "Uhm, well I'm here to check on Pearl if he's alright" I replied. "Oh... He actually has a fever, but if you want to see him, just go up to his room" She said as she started moving away from the door and start continuing cleaning the house. I arrived outside the door and knocked.

*Knock* *Knock*
"Yes? Is that you Mom?"
"It's (Y/n), can I come in?"
"Come in..."

I opened the door and entered his room to see him lying on his bed with a towel on hiss head. I took the chair that was beside his study table and plopped in beside his bed. I sat down and started to reach out for the towel. "What are you doing?" He asked. I didn't answer. I grabbed the towel and put my hand on his forehead to check his temperature.

"God you've got a high fever"

~(Time Skip To 8pm Because I Have No Idea How Your Conversation Will Go)~
While Pearl and I were chatting, we heard a voice coming from down stairs. "PEARL, TIME TO GO TO SLEEP! WE HAVE TO ARRIVE EARLY TOMORROW AT THE HOSPITAL!" Pearl's Mom shouted. "OKAY MUM!" He replied. "Ehrm... Well I have to get going, goodn-" I was cut off by Pearl saying, " W-wait... Uhm, can you stay with me until I fall asleep? Uh, it's alright I you don't, Um stay..." He requested awkwardly. I chuckled. "Of course I could stay, but just for a little while". It's been like 5 minutes he's been asleep. I stood up and examined if he was really asleep.

He was asleep.

I stood up from my chair and started to walk out, until I heard something.

"I love you, (Y/n)..."

"I love you too, Pearl..."
OMFG... YAY I FINISHED THIS CHAPTER! Sorry for the slow update... I have a busy life... I just graduated 😋. And I know there's a request that says 'Platinum x Fem!Reader'... But the problem is... I could only do a lemon if girlXgirl... Uhm I'll see what you guys think... If you guys agree with a lemon... Then I will make it a lemon and if not, then I'll try to make it not sexual OKIE? And I won't take any requests if you did not comment on the Chapter 'REQUEST'. Ok that's it Byee!

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