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Outskirts of District 12, Panem. The next day.

Coriolanus awoke to find himself sleeping on a dingy mattress with Lucy Grey sleeping soundly with her head in his chest. The pair had found an abandoned cabin about 10 miles out from District 12. Whoever had once lived there, it didn't seem like they were going to be coming back any time soon. Once they settled, Lucy Grey had gone searching for Katniss to eat before the rain started.

For those 15 minutes she was gone, it tore at Coryo. He didn't like Lucy Grey being out of his sight for too long. She needed to be near him so he could keep an eye on her and ensure her safety at all times. To anyone else, it would have seemed like obsession, but they just didn't understand. Coryo was in love and when one is in love, nothing else matters; at least that was what Tigris had told him. She had dated more people than he had, so Coryo had to take her word for it.

Thankfully, Lucy Grey returned exactly as the rain started with an armful of Swamp Potato. As the rain fell, they gnawed on the roots and drank plenty of water to stave off their hunger.

"So sweetheart, how do you like Katniss?" Lucy Grey asked as they ate.

"It's got a interesting flavor to it." Coryo answered with a grin. The truth was that he hated Katniss. He fought valiantly against the urge to spit out the root. Lucy Grey seemed to enjoy it and he didn't want to hurt her feelings when she had risked getting caught in the rain to make sure that he didn't go to bed hungry.

After they had ate and drank their fill, the lovers climbed into the sole mattress in the cabin. Naturally, Coryo began to make out with his songbird feverishly. Lucy Grey returned his kisses eagerly as they whispered sweet nothings in each other's ears. As the passion increased, Coryo's hand slowly slid up Lucy Grey's skirt and caressed her bare thigh.

"Coryo!" She exclaimed as the passion immediately died as he looked up at him with anxiety in her eyes.

"What's wrong?" He asked breathlessly.

"I'm...I ain't ready...for that." She admitted bashfully as Coryo caught his breath and got off her. "I'm sorry sweetheart...I just want my first time to be special..."

"You're a virgin?" Coryo asked, his curiosity piqued. "But what about Bil..."

"I never did it with Billy Taupe: I always said it wasn't the right time...but deep down I knew he weren't the man for me." Lucy Grey admitted as she looked crestfallen. "He'd always get pissed and call me a little tease before storming off."

"Lucy Grey..." Coryo said softly as he could see her fighting tears from the bad memories. "That doesn't make you a tease, it makes you a good woman. He was probably cheating on you with Mayfair because she's a slut who'll let any man under her skirts."

"Ain't right to speak ill of the dead...but you might be right." Lucy Grey replied with a devilish grin. Coryo gently kissed her forehead as he looked in her eyes.

"I'm a virgin too, so I can understand you wanting your first time to be special. I'm willing to wait." Coryo promised as Lucy Grey snuggled up and hired her face in his chest. Coryo smiled to himself as he stroked her hair. It was true that he didn't mind waiting. When she did give him her virginity, and she would; he didn't want anything to spoil his moment.

The next day.

Coryo and Lucy Grey got up early the next morning, eager to put more distance between themselves and the hanging tree. On the way, they had managed to find a bush of blue berries and made breakfast of it.

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