Part 2: The Reunion

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Nigel had slowly taken a few steps towards the Kool Bus, wanting to make sure his team was there, and not some overgrown broccoli stalks

"G-Guys? Is that you?" The British boy said timidly, wanting to know if he's actually talking to his team

The four members of Sector V turned around to face Nigel, and all their faces showed either shock, surprise, or happiness, but Abigail? She had a totally different expression on her face, and that was relief, shown by how fast she wrapped Nigel in a hug and started crying in his shoulder

"Y-You idiot!! Why'd you go with them?! You and I both knew it was trouble, but you went anyway!!" The courageous Abigail Lincoln, or Numbuh 5, said, her hair looking like it hasn't been brushed in a week, and her eyes having bags under them, showing that she hasn't gotten any sleep after Nigel left

"Hi to you too, Abby." Nigel said this as he hugged Abigail back, slowly and comfortingly rubbing her back as he looked up to face the rest of his team

"Dude, what took you so long?" Said Hoagie P. Gilligan Jr, or Numbuh 2

"Sorry about that, I was being chased by overgrown broccoli stalks." Nigel then said with a chuckle

"Well, it's about time you got here, mate." Said the Australian Wallaby Beetles, or Numbuh 4, as he shook his head slightly "Abby hasn't gotten any sleep since you left. It's kinda heartbreaking, to say the least."

"Yeah, she's usually been a mopey mess!" Said the energetic Kuki Sanban, or Numbuh 3 solemnly, as she remembered all the times Abigail had been depressed

"She really missed you, y'know." Said Hoagie, again, this time, with a tinge of seriousness in the pilot's voice

'she has? Well, I didn't know...' Nigel thought this to himself as he still comforted Abigail, making sure she knew he was there

"Uh, I'd hate to ruin the moment, Numbuh 1, but we got some overgrown broccoli coming fast!!" Said Wallaby as he pointed to the plants slithering into the docking bay

"Shit." Nigel said as he helped Abigail onto the bus, taking a seat next to her.* "Get this thing up and running, Numbuh 2! We don't have that much time!" *Said the British boy again, not wanting to lose his team after finally seeing them again after 2 months

"On it, Chief!" Hoagie said as he made sure all the doors and windows were shut before he blasted off into space, leaving the headquarters of the Galactic Kids Next Door behind him

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