Chapter 2 - The old man

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Kin saw the document named Bin Williams but didn't say a thing. He helped Laise gather her papers, but before he could speak, Laise's father shouted from the back and called her. In her hurry, Laise left a notebook behind. Kin picked it up and noticed it contained strange things written in German. Though he didn't understand German, he saw some English words—her name, her dog's name, and more. He put the diary in his bag and left for Paris.

Switzerland Scenario

One rainy Tuesday, dark clouds enveloped the woods. A man driving by the forest saw a little girl, looking worried and searching for her way back. It was getting dark. The man cried out, Hey, little girl! She immediately ran away, and the man, curious, followed her. She headed towards a cave by a huge waterfall. Worried, the man followed her inside.

Dad, are you there? the girl called out. A colossal, bearded man emerged from the shadows and said, Yes, sweetie, I am here.The man who had been driving saw all this and quickly ran back to his car.

A few days later, after a busy day at work, the man returned home, made himself a tea, and lay down on his sofa. He turned on the TV and was shocked to see the same man he had seen in the woods a few days earlier. In his surprise, he dropped his tea mug. It was Bin Willams.

Kin had finally arrived in Paris and was searching for the address on the letter he found in his backyard. Though the address was smudged, Kin was smart and familiar with most places in Paris. After some time, he finally found the address, which led him to an old, big museum.

I stood before the huge door, wondering how to open it, when I noticed it was already slightly ajar. I pushed it open and called out, Anyone here? Silence greeted me, broken only by my echo. The museum was filled with old idols and statues, some headless and others oddly placed. As I looked around, I saw a light coming from a room. I knocked on the door and called out, Anyone here?

A sharp, old voice answered, Come in.

I entered to find an old man surrounded by books. He gestured for me to sit. The room was filled with a heavy silence. The old man stood up, lit a cigar, and offered me one.

I don't smoke, I said.

The old man laughed heartily and asked, So, why are you here?

I showed him the letter. The old man smiled, looking at me with curiosity. He seemed worried and had an internal monologue, noting that kin had a similar energy to Bin Williams when he was young.

So, you're here to find Bin? the old man finally said. He was my student back in the day. He laughed again, and I looked at him strangely.

Meanwhile, Laise and her father were visiting her father's friend Lewis, a librarian. They reached Lewis's home and knocked on the door. Lewis hugged them both and remarked on how beautiful Laise was.

Look at you! How could she look this beautiful if she looked like you?Lewis joked, and they all laughed heartily.

Lewis offered them orange juice, and they talked about life. Laise's father gave Lewis a book, saying he might like it. When Lewis saw the book, he was happy and placed it on his desk. Laise noticed the name "Rose" on the desk and asked Lewis about it.

It was my friend, Lewis replied.

The next day was going to be big, as Laise planned to search for Bin Williams.

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