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As Hiyori is walking back down to their room, they turn over thoughts about Hatter and Aguni and what could have happened. Suddenly, the lights go out, casting them into the dark for a handful of moments before the generator starts again and the lights flicker back on. Their heart pounds and they exhale slowly to calm themself. It must've just been a fault in the generator, maybe the maintenance crew had been slacking.

A jingle rings out through the halls and Hiyori flinches. They've only heard that sound during a game, what kind of sick joke was it to play it through the Beach's PA? Especially after a day like this?

A male voice starts to speak through the PA, "We would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank you for staying at Seaside Paradise, Tokyo. As a token of our appreciation, we will now commence a game with all 58 participants in the venue."

Ice strikes through them, quick like an electric shock, setting every nerve frozen. A game here? The Beach had never been the arena for a game. In a way, it had made the place feel like a safe haven, even with the militants going around with their guns. Now it's like the walls are closing in, safety feels like it's been ripped out of reach. They stand, stock-stiff and frozen, in the hall. Their hands tremble at their sides. The male voice disappears and the familiar robotic female voice rings through next.

"Game difficulty, Ten of Hearts."

That's enough to shake them out of their stupor. Ten of Hearts, the last game needed to complete Hatter's deck. It's almost sardonic that it would come now that he was dead, and for it to be set within the walls of the place he'd created no less.

"All participants must assemble in the lobby immediately. The rules will then be explained. I repeat. All participants must assemble in the lobby immediately."

Someone knocks into their shoulder, shoving past them as they hurry down the hallway. They force themself to move, their pace quick as they head to the lobby. As they hurry, they can hear the rapid footfalls of other Beach-goers, all rushing along just as they were. It's a crush to get to the table and scoop up a phone; eventually a few players stand around the table and start dealing them out quickly. The air is filled with shocked voices and the dings of phones as people register into the game.

Something else soon draws a crowd though and Hiyori squeezes through to see what everyone is looking at.

There, lying on the ground in the middle of the circle, is a girl Hiyori only vaguely recognises - dead, a knife poking out of her chest. Shoving through the crowd, her friend darts forward, crying out. Hiyori frowns and steps back, away from the dead body. The phone buzzes and dings in their hand and they look down as the screen lights up.

"Game, Witch Hunt," the voice chimes over the speakers, "The murderous witch who killed this girl is hiding amongst you in plain sight. The witch role is not limited to women. To clear the game, you must find the witch and burn him or her in the fire of judgment. Time limit, two hours."

Through the windows, Hiyori catches sight of bright orange light. Stepping closer, they can see flames licking a funeral pyre outside, crackling and spitting off sparks that flew up into the night air.

The phone dings again.

Game start.

Ann's voice breaks over the worried knell of the crowd, reiterating, "We have to find whoever murdered Momoka and burn them in the fire of judgment."

"A witch hunt game, huh? This oughta be good," Niragi says as he breaks through the crowd, shouldering past players who don't get out of his way fast enough. He makes a point to bump into Usagi as he reaches her, ignoring her in favour of looking down at the body. "Let's go witch hunting then."

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