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Namjoon said coldly and started doing his work

Jungkook also took his position in the corner and raised his hand while kneeling down

He was looking towards namjoon while raising his hands and kneeling down

Namjoon was so focused on his work that he did not pay attention to the little soul that was starring at him with so much innocence in his eyes

Jungkook looked down and started talking to himself

Jungkook: yesh......kookie you deserve this..... You always create trouble that's why hyungies punished you..... You never do anything correct...... You are b-burden to hyungies nothing will happen if you d-die

He spoke while looking down more like a whisper when an unknown voice spoke in his mind

"yes you deserve this...... You ars so pathetic brat who don't deserve anything except death"

Jungkook was continuesly looking down when he felt a sever pain in his chest

He put his hand on his chest bearing the pain and closing his eyes tightly

He don't know the reason why out of sudden he is feeling pain in his chest from a month

But today it becane sever and he could not even bear it

He wad putting his hand on his chest and whimpering continously trying not to make any noise

When namjoon's eyes caught the sight of that poor soul

He looked towards him and spoke harshly

Namjoon : now you have started your another drama

He spoke when he saw jungkook holding his tightly

Jungkook did not said anything but clenched his chest tightly

Suddenly sweat started forming on his forehead that make namjoon a little worried

He also don't know why he bacame suddenly worried but immediately ran towards kook and hold him and started caressing his chest

Jungkook gasp for breath as some tears fell from his eyes

Namjoon kept rubbing his chest until after 7 minutes his pain lessen a little and he became stable and took a long breath

Namjoon again changed his face into a stern one and spoke

Namjoon: you can go now I am forgiving you now for missing your one lecture but don't dare to think that it will happen always

Jungkook nodded and bowed as an apology and thanks and left from there

He came to his room and immediately took that little bag from his bag and entered in the washroom

He took two painkillers to ease his pain then he looked at the bag and found the one side of scissor he took it and look towards it clearly

Jungkook: h-hyung ie said it right.... It ease pain

He spoke smiling and made some marks on his wrist and then clean them from water and cover them with clothes

Then he washed everything and again kept the bag into his bag and laid on his bed

Taehyung bed was empty as always he must be sleeping with any of his brother

Jungkook kept tossing on his bed and changing his sides but he could not sleep

So he stood up and went to balcony and stood there keeping his hands on the railing

The cold freezing breeze hit his face making him more charming then he already was but the eyes that were carrying the burden were not hidden fro m anyone

He looked towards the moon and saw a star so near to it

He always think the star as his mother so he started talking to it

Jungkook : eomma how are you..... Are you doing fine there

Then he looked down and spoke

Kook: hyungs are also doing great..... They are living a happy life like you always wanted for us.... And about me.... I am getting what I deserve eomma.... Hope so you are not mad at me

Kook: eomma plz forgive me for my mistake I did not mean to do that..... It happened accidentally

He spoke and then out of sudden started sobbing hard

Kook: eomma plz forgive me.... I won't be able to live If I got to know that you also hate me...... Eomma plz.... you know I also punished myself for my mistakes so that maybe hyung can forgive me

He was speaking whatever came to his heart without knowing that some one is hearing everything.......
Next chapters preview.....

I-I am a killer..... I don't deserve to live.... I am a bad luck..... I kill everyone....... I killed eomma.... I killed hyungie........ Now I killed her also......

"yes you are a bad luck"
To be continue......
Thankyou.... 🎀

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