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Mina: no need to call those bastards it's better if they don't come

Taehyung flinched

Sunghoon : Mina

He warned but Mina was not in a mood to listen

Taehyung : n-noona what are you s-saying

Mina: he is in this condition just because of them... They are the reason he was self harming they are the reason he took this step

She yelled angrily

Sunghoon: Mina enough....

He also spoke angrily

Mina: noo... It's not enough oppa he need to know what his hyungs did to that poor soul

Sunghoon was again about to ay something but jisso gestured him to not so he stepped back

Mina: and you...... He is suffering from past 4 years and you did not have any clue.... Is he even your brother..... Keep the brother thing aside.... is not he is your twin

Mina: how come you did not new what you are so called brothers did to him......

Mina: why you never ask them.... why they hate him so much

Tae: th-they d-don't hate h-him

Mina scoffed

Mina: you don't even know they hate him they hate him from the core of their hearts

Mina: and you are also responsible in this somewhere, you are also same as them.....

Mina: did you ever saw him eating food in the house, did you ever saw him going out with them, did you ever saw them  getting something for him.... no.... why? because they hate him they don't like him at all

Mina: the hate him for that stupid reason that happened 4 years ago

She was constantly blaming Taehyung for all of this

Mina: you say you are his twin but how  you did not knew how they were treating him..... How come you did not knew that they were beating him just because he was taking stand for you..... And what you did.... whenever that Monsters are in fighting always finishing and what you did always leave him alone with that monster

She said referring to namjoon

Tae's tears were constantly flowing from his eyes

Mina: when ever he do any mistake they punish him like beasts .......... Where were you that time when he was getting abused ....where were you that time when he was self harming ...where were you that time when he was bottling up his emotions

She was saying whatever came to her mind until sunghoon spoke

Sunghoon : MINA!!

he said sternly yet loudly

Mina stopped for a bit and taehyung ran from there  crying

As rise saw him running she also went behind him

Tae was running until he saw a bench near the hospital he sat on it and hide his face in his palms and started sobbing

He was crying and crying until he felt a tap on his shoulder

He looked up and saw Rose

Rose: take baby .....

Taehyung again broke down and spoke

Tae: n-noona did h-hyung r-really h-hate him

He spoke while rose nooded

Tae: w-why

He almost yelled not being able to keep his emotions

Rose: because of the mistake he did 4 years ago

Tae: w-what m-mistake

He said cause he could not remember what happened 4 years ago

Rose: don't you remember the day you all went out cause Jungkook wanted to go with eomma on a beach

Taehyung nooded cleaning his tears

Rose: he was with Mrs kim while you were with your hyungs ...that day someone attack them cause your father was a mafia......

Rose: that person tried to kill Jungkook but your mother came infront of him and got killed instead......after the death of Mrs kim Mr Kim also left you all

Rose: your brothers blamed Jungkook for everything and started hating him

Rose: from that day ....whatever happened they just blame him until he started bottling up emotions....he never shared his problems to
anyone .........

Rose: your brothers always punish him for little mistake .....he never complained ...he was happy that they at least consider him as their brother

Rose: he was taking so much pressure on his mind m-may be that's why he tried to kill h-himself

Rose spoke while tae cleaned his tears and said

Tae: noona I want to go to house

Rose looked at him being a little confused

Rose: don't you want to be with Jungkook

Tae: I want noona but I want to do some work

He said almost giving blank expressions

Rose nooded and went inside the hospital to take car keys

She told jisso that tae wanted to go home

On the other hand

Sunghoon: mina what was that behavior

Mina: oppa I was making him realized his mistakes

Sunghoon: and how come it became his mistake that his so called brother did not told him ......that how they treat Jungkook

Mina: oppa I am not in a mood to hear your lecture

Jisso: sunghoon-

Sunghoon: mina behave yourself .....

Sunghoon: what's the difference between you and them when you literally did the same thing like them

Sunghoon: you also blame taehyung for the thing he did not knew

He said loudly that's when mina realized her words and said slowly

Mina: o-oppa i-i was just-

She could not find any word to say when rose came and took the keys from jisso and left to drop tae

She dropped tae outside the mansion and tae told her to go

Tae: noona I know you don't want to come inside so you can go I will come with driver uncle

He said and entered inside while rose left from there

Tae entered inside and he saw all his brothers sitting on the couch tensed

As they all saw him Jimin came near him and hugged him and said

Jimin: tae baby ....are you ok

But to his surprise tae pushed him and said

Tae: I am not a baby anymore..........

He said coldly having no emotions on his face
To be continue....

As promised it's a double update .....
Hope you like .....
Actually I was not feeling well from yesterday night so got late uploading the part
And I don't know if it's according to your expectations cause my mind is as always BLANK ......
So plz do comment .....

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