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"Wow, this is my first time travelling on a chartered plane!" Annika exclaimed, her eyes wide with excitement. "We didn't even have to sit in the waiting room. They escorted us straight to the plane right after the security check."

Shivaay chuckled, enjoying her enthusiasm.

Shivaay, Annika, and their team had just boarded his private jet, bound for California to attend the grand event at Disneyland. The plush interiors of the jet and the impeccable service added to the thrill of the journey. Annika couldn't contain her excitement as she looked out the window.

"Keeping apart your excitement, Annika, we need to have breakfast now," Shivaay gently reminded her.

Annika nodded, still beaming. "Right, breakfast. Let's see what they have for us."

The jet had two compartments. One compartment featured two cabins and a common hall, while the other offered luxurious seats and various amenities, which their team members occupied.

Soon, breakfast was laid in front of them. Annika reached for a waffle when a hand stopped her. She looked up to see Shivaay glaring at her.

"What are you doing? Why are you taking the salmon waffle? You know, right? It has salmon," he said, his tone serious.

Annika's eyes widened in realisation. "Oh, I didn't notice! Thanks for stopping me," she replied, quickly putting the waffle back and opting for a plain one instead.

"Wait, I'll serve your plate," Shivaay said, taking the plate from Annika's hand. "There are many shellfish items, and I believe I should have informed the crew about your allergy," he muttered, carefully serving the items.

Annika's heart did a happy flip-flop. The way Shivaay looked out for her, the small gestures of care-these were the things that revealed the depth of her feelings. It wasn't just liking him; it was love, pure and simple. After a heartfelt conversation with Gauri and days of reflection, she realised that her emotions went beyond mere affection. Yet, with this profound love came a gnawing fear. What if Shivaay only saw her as a friend? The thought of being rejected was too painful to face.

Swallowing the lump in her throat, Annika made a decision. She would keep her feelings to herself. It seemed safer to protect her heart and savour the moments they shared rather than risking heartbreak. Sometimes, cherishing what she had in silence was easier than confronting the uncertainty of what might happen.

Annika settled into the comfort of her decision, though it was a bittersweet comfort. She focused on enjoying the time she spent with Shivaay and making the most of their shared moments, all while keeping her emotions carefully guarded. Every smile, every thoughtful gesture from Shivaay became a treasured moment, a quiet testament to the love she held in her heart.

As their journey to California continued, Annika found solace in the little things-Shivaay's genuine laughter, the way he looked out for her, and the shared excitement about the upcoming Disneyland event. She allowed herself to indulge in these small joys, even as she kept her deeper feelings locked away.


After a marathon journey of twenty-six hours, they finally arrived at John Wayne Airport. From there, it was a short drive to Anaheim, where the Disneyland Hotel awaited them. Within an hour of reaching the hotel, everyone was settled into their rooms. To Shivaay's and Annika's delight, their rooms were directly opposite each other.

Two whirlwind days at the Disneyland conference flew by in a flurry of presentations, networking events, and brainstorming sessions. Annika and Shivaay, along with their colleagues, were swept up in the electrifying atmosphere. Days were packed with informative talks, lively discussions, and evenings were dedicated to celebratory dinners and themed galas.

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