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"You really should know... There's another." The Doctor looked down at his dying friend. The other Time Lord laid in his arms. "A girl. You'll know her when you see her. Haha... I win." The words echoed in the Doctor's head. "A girl." He repeated to himself. "A girl who's a Time Lord..." He muttered, his eyes trailing down to the book in his hands. 'History of Gallifrey' it read. 'The Doctor had frozen Gallifrey in time. No one except him escaped.' He sighed. If the Master had been right, then that certainly wasn't true. But his TARDIS had refreshed he book whenever something happened. So, he didn't know who to believe. He leaned back and sighed loudly. 

        "Doctor!" A rather cheerful voice came from the hall, snapping the Doctor out of his thoughts. "Yes, (Name)?"

"Do you know if we have anything for headaches? My head has been pounding ever since the year that never existed and all..." The teen stuck her head inside the room the Doctor sat in. "Ah. Yes. Of course. Uh..." The Doctor got up. "Um... I'll go... find something for you." (Name) nodded. Once the Doctor was out of sight, the teen rushed over to see what he had been reading. She just skimmed the page in front of her, finding it particulary boring. She just set it down, sat down on the chair, and softly began tapping. One, two, three, four. 

One, two, three, four. 

One, two, three, four.

 One, two, three-

"(Name), I found-"

 Four. The Doctor paused, eyes wide. He held a bottle in his hands as well as a wet cloth. His eyes trailed to (Name)'s hand that had started tapping. "(Name)...?""Yes, Doctor?" "Where did you hear that from?""I-I don't know. It's been stuck inside my head since..." The teen's voice trailed off. "Since?" 

"Since... The..." She paused. "Funeral.""Funeral?" The Doctor frowned. 

"When... y'know... We burned HIS body." 

 The Doctor stared at his teenage companion and she stared back.

 Then everything was silent. 

Child!Reader x 10th DoctorWhere stories live. Discover now