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2 years later...

Kayla had grown really close to little Alasdair, he was now a bubbly 3.5yr old who now saw Kayla as Mommy, She had also grown close to his father Ciarán, the mate bond from becoming his chosen had pulled them together and they had become like family, Cia was far too ill for a real relationship but hadn't stopped her loving him, he was a beautiful soul that deserved the love of a mate to ease his pain and help make those final moments bearable and she'd been heartbroken when he passed three months ago, finally succumbing to that awful disease that she wouldn't wish on her worst enemy, 

She had now been thrust into the role of Alpha until Ally was old enough to take over himself, his training for that position was to begin when his education started at seven giving him eleven years to be ready to lead, until then Kayla was responsible for 200 werewolves well being,

That had really wracked her nerves to start but the packs beta and gamma were extremely supportive, them and their mates had become like family to her and she honestly couldn't see herself anywhere but here even once Ally was grown this was home or at least the only place that had ever felt like home,

Some may have questioned her decision to take a chosen mate 2 years ago and she'd been hesitant at the time but it was that or death and she'd wanted anything but that, it had turned out to be the best decision she'd ever made,

Maybe one day she'd be lucky enough to find someone to take as a chosen who she would love and build her family with, she dreamed of it regularly, a mate and 3 little sisters to keep Ally on his toes,

"One day maybe" she hummed to herself

Right now though she had other things to worry about and a meeting with the leadership to get to, Kayla got out of bed, showered quickly then woke Ally up

She fed him his favourite pancakes with Nutella and Biscoff and then dropped him off to the betas house where he would play with their little ones for a few hours while she did what was needed.

She walked into her office to see the beta, gamma and the elder from the night she arrived was sat quietly discussing something that had concern written all over their faces, She could tell this wasn't going to be her usual meeting,

The tension was palpable as she took her seat,

"Hello again Selina, what brings you here?" Kayla asks

"I bring terrible news Alpha, War is on the verge of breaking out between panther shifters and wolf shifters, Alpha Sven of the Thames pack decided to try to assassinate the panther princes on their 18th birthday and the panthers retaliated by wiping out every member of Svens pack, his allies are preparing to fight but that could be detrimental to the peace pact our King had worked hard to forge, we need all packs on our kings side to stand with the panthers to show we're not willing to break the pact over one arrogant Alpha's ridiculous ambitions" says Selina

Kayla can't help but feel some shock, had she accepted her mating to sven she would have been wiped out with them and the panthers are the whole reason she was saved from a fate worse than death when they raided the auction to rescue the girls and her, she owed them her life, of course she would stand with them

"You have our support Selina, what do you need us to do?" Kayla assures

"There will be a meeting at the great hall tomorrow, all current Alpha's of the wolves, panthers and both royal families will meet to reaffirm the treaty, we set off in one hour" Selina says

Kayla realised this meant making the choice to either leave Ally here or take him with her, as much as she trusted the current pack leadership she didn't feel ready to trust anyone else with his safety, the ex beta had already attempted to overthrow the previous Alpha by poisoning him with wolfsbane,

what if they still had loyalties in this pack willing to take any given opportunity to hurt their future Alpha? Kayla thought to herself

"Ok but on the condition I can bring Alasdair and a couple of our best warriors" Kayla demanded

" I wouldn't expect it any other way my dear, I've already arranged travel, the quarters you shall both stay in and Sebastian will be staying with you also, he's the panther shifter who was assigned to you the day we saved you at the auction, he's at your beck and call whenever you may need him, we leave in one hour" Selina replies with a warm smile

Kayla headed straight to her apartment where she quickly packed some things and put things in place to mind over the pack while she was away, she then headed over to the beta to pick up Ally and meet Selina at the car where her warriors Kane and Nikolai awaited her arrival, they jumped in the car and headed to the airport,

the great hall was in rome, it was where the yearly mating ball for the prestigious members of the panther and werewolfs society was held, all important business and treaties took place there too, Kayla had never imagined she would ever step foot in there.

Thankfully it was only a few hours by plane from Scotland as she'd never flown before and was getting those pre flight nerves others spoke of, she held onto the armrests tightly, so tightly her knuckles turned white as the plane took off, Ally on the other hand couldn't be more excited if he tried, he watched in awe as the ground got further away,

Sebastian without word gripped Kayla's hand, Squeezing reassuringly which instantly helped calm some of her nerves "Thank you" Kayla whispers shyly,  "Glad I could help" Sebastian says as he smiles back.

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