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"Your majesty, you haven't said a word yet, is anything the problem?"

"Jimin" The emperor said with a sigh.

"Jimin?" The ministers asked with confusion written all over their faces.

The Emperor looked at them and then stood up.

"Let's end it here" He said.

"Yes your majesty" They bowed and watched him walked out of the courtroom.

They all exchanged meaningful glances but they didn't utter a word about it as they started going out one after the other.


Emperor Jungkook appeared in Baekje Garden right in front of the tree and he almost couldn't believe his eyes.

He can't even count the numbers of flowers on the tree even though it's not full yet but still.

" is this possible?" He stuttered

"Does the devil get confused also?" The familiar voice asked beside him and he faced the deity who was also staring at the tree.

"Only when you're behind it" He replied and the Deity smiled.

"I love how truthful you are" She said.

"Why would I lie when i've got nothing to fear?" The emperor asked.

"Are you that curious? The reason behind the sudden blooming?" The deity finally faced him directly.

The emperor said nothing but their gazes never left each other.

"It's exactly what you're thinking....." The deity said and the emperor's eyes turned dark.

"What are you talking about?" He asked.

"I said it's what you're thinking......"

"Don't tell me that!!!" The emperor yelled angrily.

The deity scoffed and looked away from him.

"You don't have to be angry....."

"I don't have to be angry? You mean my revolution depends on a mere human?!! Not just human but a damn slave?! What the hell do you take me for?!" He yelled angrily.

"You're nothing but a devil who is getting punished for a sin" The deity looked at him.

"You're a mere devil....mere" She repeated.

The emperor's eyes turned red and his claws draw out forcefully, his hair turned grey and the atmosphere changed.

"Mere?? Are you seriously using that word on me?" He asked.

The deity smiled and just a look from her made him turn back to normal.

"At some point, you need to accept that I created you......."

"I don't care!!! I never asked you to create me!! It's just one of your useless works!!!" Emperor Jungkook snapped.

The deity smiled and a sudden wind blew the emperor from his position, his back hit the tree and he fell on the ground, he spilled out blood.

The deity appeared in front of him and he chuckled before getting up.

"See?? Just one of your useless works like I said, you should know by now that I love it so much when you're angry but good for you, you don't even get angry. But if you're so angry...just kill me" He said.

"You think if I kill you, you're still going to be useful for me?" The deity asked and he scoffed.

"I will rather perish in hell than be useful for you" He said.

STUCK WITH YOU (JIKOOK) 18+Where stories live. Discover now