Draco's POV

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I remember when I first started at Hogwarts I wanted to follow in my father steps. I remember looking up to him taking such pride in the fact I had the honor to be his son. I dreamt of becoming his modern day figure at Hogwarts. Everything was going fine until I met Ginny Weasley. I had everything planned out and then I saw her and found myself wanting to talk to her. Get to know her. But she hated me... She and all the other houses looked at the Slytherin house with disgust and just utter disappointment. Why was this? Why were we suddenly hated just because we are sorted into Slytherin? I tried speaking to her every now and then but she treated me so unfairly. The worse part was, she didn't seem like she wanted to. She only followed what her friends would tell her. I could see Ginny was pure and kind. I know if not for her friends she would give me a chance. How do I get her to give me the chance? It wasn't fair. Do all of Slytherin have to only associate with one another while everyone else looks down upon and shuns us. I wanted so badly to have a chance with her. She was so naturally beautiful, her ginger hair bright and practically perfect in every way possible.

"Dont be ridiculous," my mother said to me. "You're a Slytherin. She will never be interested in you. She thinks shes too good for you. Thats how all those damn Gryffindors are. They look down on everyone else as if they are gods gift to earth."

"Thats not true," I challenged.

"So you think I'm lying, do you?"

"No I-"

"Just you wait & see Draco. In time you will come to see the truth about them."

As time went on I continued searching for my chance with Ginny but her friends were awful. Also, Potter, Granger and Ginny's idiot of a brother Ron always told her to stay away from me. I came to realise my mother was right about Gryffindor. They all thought they were too good for everyone. Except for Ginny. I dont care what anyone says. She wasnt like that. But now, what else can I do to get her attention? I feel myself becoming angrier every day. Becoming filled with hate because something as simple as a sorting hat is the reason im being kept from being with the only person at school I care about. The one I love.

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