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Athena's Pov

“What a pleasant surprise.” 

I didn't feel the same way he did. I couldn't mimic the smile that had formed on his features as he looked at me with the same kind eyes that I once fell for. 

“Um you're… here.” I couldn't form sentences. 

If I had met him just a few weeks back, I would've welcomed him and possibly gotten butterflies from the way he’s checking me out right now. But the situation- my emotions were different today. 

I now know what we did was wrong. I should've never trusted him and he should’ve never broken my trust. 

He gestured to the tray of drinks in his hand. “For some extra cash.” 

Richard was a driver by profession and always picked up any side gigs he could to earn extra that he saved for his daughter’s college fund. Another trait of his that I loved. 

Today, he was a waiter. And my misfortune had brought him to the same Gala I was attending in a different country than where we both lived. 

“How’ve you been?” He asked, looking enthusiastic at seeing me after so long. 

“I'm okay… You?”

I was constantly running my eyes around hoping Ares would come get me the very next second. I didn't want to stay here but for some reason I felt incapable of leaving on my own. 

“I'm good.” He smiles again. “I really miss you a lot.” 

He brought up his hand and gently touched my cheek like a father would do to his daughter. The touch I once found so comforting and safe was making my inside churn now. I wanted to throw up. 

“It's been how many years? Three right?” He said and continued. “Look at you, you've grown up.” 

“Yes…” I felt like all words were wiped from my brain and I could only stand still in front of him. 

“Your face has lost a lot of fat, you look more mature now.” He complimented with a hint of flirtish tone in his voice. “But you're just as pretty as you used to be as a child.” I was still a child but apparently not for him. 

His smile suddenly dropped and eyes turned worried as he looked at my face closely. He instantly placed the tray of drinks on the counter next to me and grabbed my wrist. 

My anxiety was rising by each second he stood in front of me and looked into my eyes. I was more scared of myself than him. I was worried I'd make the same mistakes again. I'll be charmed by his manipulation and do things just so he doesn't leave me again. 

“Are you okay, little doll? You look worn out.” His voice held pure concern. 

I don't want to believe him but it's so difficult when he's very gently caressing my wrist and looking at me with so much worry that he'd die if something happened to me. 

“I'm fine... I'm just… tired.” I tried gently freeing my wrist but he didn't let go. 

“You're not fine, tell me what happened.” 

He ordered me like he had an authority on him. I had given him that right. I had always wanted him to act like a father. Demand answers when he knows I'm lying and take me in his arms when he knows I'm disoriented. 

“Is it some boy?” He asked me patiently. He's never once yelled at me. 

I shook my head so he asked. “Then what? Why do you look so ill?” 

Fathers of Athena Konstantinos (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now