Why am I like this?

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Okay, Yaz is staying! That's something to be happy about. And I am happy, but I'm extremely excited and nervous. Why am I feeling like this? Yaz is my friend... my best friend. I love Graham and Ryan. Of course, they're part of the TARDIS fam. It just feels like I have a stronger connection with Yaz... like we could be something more.
Stop! I need to pull myself together! I need to stop this right now... whatever "this" is. I'm not entirely sure. The strange thing is that I have felt like this before. But where and why did I feel like this, and who did I feel like this for? Aghhh!!! Why are emotions so complicated?
Shit! I've just been staring at her while thinking about all of this!!! What is she going to think? Has she been speaking to me this whole time? What do I do? What do I do?
Listen... I just need to listen and then figure out what the rest of the conversation was about.
Wow... Look at her eyes... Her smile is so... No! There's no time for this! I need to listen!
"Um... Doctor?" She asks me.
"Yes..." I say, feeling my face go red.
"Are you okay?" I don't reply. "You've just been staring at me." She giggles.
"Yes... Yes, I have. I was just thinking about something." I say in a mess of jumbled up words. "Anyway, I've got to set up the coordinates for the place we're going." I excuse myself and rush up to the console.
What was that? Why did I just get flustered! That is so unlike me, I've faced Daleks, Cybermen, and a Pting (that ate my sonic screwdriver for your information)! But suddenly Yasmin Khan is scary to me... No, it's not scary's... It's exciting.
Hang on, where are we going. I've just been moving around the centre of the TARDIS, just letting my hands do whatever they feel like.
"Where are we going?" Yaz calls. She still hasn't moved away from where she'd been talking to me. She has her arms crossed, and I can tell that she knows something is wrong.
"It's a surprise!" I yell back. But in all honesty, I don't know where we're going. I just let my hands move, and before I know it, I've pulled the lever to make us land.
My TARDIS shudders as we land, and I'm surprised to see that we have landed on a deserted planet, but a beautiful one filled with romantic beaches. These aren't the coordinates that I put in. The TARDIS altered them! Why would it take us to a romantic beach, where the skies are always pink and the water is always the purest blue?
"We're here!" I say, trying to sound like my normal happy self. But I still can't figure out why I feel like this. Or why the TARDIS brought me here. Maybe she knows something that I don't (my TARDIS is clever like that sometimes, I would know; I've met her before).
Why am I like this?

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